  • 學位論文


3D Data Visualization of Building Wind Load Interference Database

指導教授 : 王人牧


近年來,隨著三維視覺化技術的進步,使得許多產業皆講究三維的展示,而資料視覺化的應用也愈來愈廣泛,透過資料的三維呈現方式與使用者互動,未來依舊會是主流的研究。 本研究是探討如何使用MATLAB Server Pages技術及資料三維視覺化技術,將其應用於建築物風載重干擾效應系統所得的類神經預測預測干擾係數結果,輸出轉換成三維的視覺化圖像,呈現於使用者面前。 本研究中所探討的視覺化語言為X3D,將X3D應用於干擾效應之視覺化,結合JavaScript的技術來增加互動性。利用X3D使用XML為標準的特性,設計出一個資料來源為XML格式的輸入檔,轉換資料格式應用於X3D中,將資料以視覺化方式呈現。藉由分離資料與處理程式的設計架構,來分析此架構的優點。了解XML為網際網路資料交換的主要標準,探討在未來利用同樣的設計架構分離資料與處理程式來做擴充甚至於其它程式結合的可能性


Along with three dimensional visualization technology progresses, many industries are fastidious about three dimensional visualization demonstrations in recent years. Data visualization applications are also getting more and more widespread. Through three dimensional data presentation more user interaction can be achieved. In the future, 3D data visualization will still be the main stream research as before. This research discusses how to apply MATLAB Server Pages and 3D data visualization technology to a building wind load interference effect database to predict influence factor of two adjacent building using virtual reality 3D images. In this research the virtual reality language used is X3D. X3D was used to produce interference factor visualization, and JavaScript was used to increase interaction. X3D uses XML as a standard. Utilizing this property, a XML based input file was designed to transfer data to X3D for 3D presentation. The merit of this approach is the separation of data and processing program. With the understanding that XML is the data exchange standard, this thesis showed the possibility of using the same framework, which separate data and processing program to combine other programs, to achieve 3D data visualization


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