  • 學位論文


The strategical relation between US and China from the subject of Korea peninsula after cold war: Geostrategy vision

指導教授 : 施正權


二次大戰後,美蘇開始進入冷戰,雙方長達40 年以上的對峙左右 了二十世紀後半葉的世界局勢。美國在地緣戰略中嚴防歐亞大陸出 現超級強權,因此採取了「圍堵」政策與歐亞大陸邊緣地帶國家結 盟,以防制蘇聯的擴張。 冷戰過後,蘇聯的消失致使美國成為全球獨一超強國家,然而隨 著冷戰的結束,世界各區域主要國家也謀求地緣政治上更重要的地 位。在歐亞大陸,中國在經濟與軍事力量的成長最為明顯,竄起規 模也是世界最大,使得美國不得不重新考量全新的全球戰略。特別 是東亞區域。 由朝鮮半島引發之安全問題會影響整個西太平洋安全環境,特別 是美國與中國兩大強權之地緣戰略利益深深與其緊扣。根據麥金德 、史派克曼等地緣政治理論思想者的看法,若歐亞大陸上出現霸權 國家,那勢必要由美國阻止其發生。直到布里辛斯基,美國地緣政 治思想家依舊提防此點的發生。 本文所探討之議題為在北韓核武問題與兩韓爭議僵持不下之時, 由於特殊之地緣政治環境,使得美國與中國之戰略競爭檯面化。美 中之間雖然有著貿易摩擦、人權理念等爭執;但在地緣政治上有著 更為根深蒂固的衝突點。西太平洋已經成為歐亞大陸最活絡的經濟 發展區域,同時朝鮮半島也是俄國、中國、日本幾個大國的利益交 接地帶。美國若要維繫21 世紀全球安全領導地位,勢必要鞏固此區 影響力。隨著中國力量的提升,若在此區域有任何安全衝突,北京 必然扮演重要角色。北韓核武的存在迫使美中兩國必須透過合作甚 至競爭的方式展開互動。


After WWII, America and Russia went into the Cold War. The confrontation long for forty years between two sides influenced the global situation in the late 20th century. In geostrategy, because America prevented the countries in Eurasia emerging powerful entities, America adopted the containment policy and allied itself with those countries in the purlieu part of Eurasia to avoid the extension of Russia. After the Cold War, the disappearance of Russia led America to the sole strong country around the world. However, with the end of the Cold War, the countries in the main regions of the world sought for the more important positions in geopolitics. In Eurasia, the military and economic growth of China is the most obvious; besides, the emerging scale of China is also the top of all countries. Therefore, the U.S. has nothing to do but rethink a brand-new global strategy, especially in the region of East Asia. The safety problem resulted from Korea would affect the whole safety environment of the western Pacific Ocean, especially the U.S. and China. Furthermore, the two countries hold tight relationship to Korea in the geostrategic benefits. In view of the geopolitical scholars, like Halford John Mackinder and Nicholas John Spykman, if some hegemony countries appear in Eurasia, the U.S. must exert itself to avoid it happening. The U.S. geopolitical scholars have taken precautions against the occurrence until Zbigniew Brzezinski. The issue of this paper is to discuss when the nuclear weapon problem of the North Korea and the controversy between the two Koreas come to a stalemate, the military competition between the U.S. and China would reach the climax as a result of the particular geopolitical environment. Although there are inconsistence regarding the international trade and the human rights between the U.S. and China, they have deeply-rooted conflicts in geopolitics. The western Pacific Ocean has become the most prosperous economic region in Eurasia; at the same time, the Korean peninsula is also the political wrestling area among Russia, China, and Japan. If America wants to remain its leadership in global safety in the 21th century, it has to consolidate its influence in this area. With the boost of China’s position, if there is any safety conflict in this area, Beijing must play the vital role in this part. The existence of the nuclear power of the North Korea forces the U.S. and China to interact through cooperation or even competition.


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2006 年8 月。
