  • 學位論文


The Analysis of Government Agency's Email Box System: A Case of Presidential Office Email Box in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳志瑋


資通科技的發展,為數位化的社會揭開序幕,搭配上民主化的浪潮席捲而來,主張師法企業的新公共管理,提倡政府應以顧客為導向,與民眾間的互動必須注重效率及回應性。 透過數位化的設備,民眾與政府的互動已不受時間及空間的限制;選舉制度促使政治人物必須注重民眾的感受與意見,並即時性地予以處理或回應。在互動的方式上以首長信箱最為普遍,無論是行政機關或地方政府,無不在這部份下功夫。 而總統信箱象徵與國家元首間的溝通管道,其地位與所跨越層級不言可喻,但首長信箱之相關研究寥寥可數,尤其以總統信箱為個案進行探討更是前無古人。本文以總統信箱為研究標的,從信件處理系統、信件處理人員、信件處理流程三個部份切入,詳實了解總統信箱的整體運作及其功能;此外並比較總統信箱、行政院長信箱、臺北市長信箱三者之差異,整理出可供彼此參考的啟示。 本研究透過對總統信箱實際參與及觀察,並輔以相關人員之訪談以建構出總統信箱的全貌;再藉由其他首長信箱的文獻分析,提供三者比較的基礎。進一步評估總統信箱的運作成效,並點出其存在之問題。 研究結果顯示,總統信箱具有以下五項功能:(1)陳情;(2)諮詢;(3)糾舉;(4)建議;(5)發洩。再分別由信件處理系統、信件處理人員、信件處理流程三個部份來看,總統信箱的軟硬體設備是亟待改善之處,至於招募志工人員協助處理是值得學習之處,而處理流程上仍存有需要檢討之處;另外,對於信件回覆的知識,總統信箱已有一套良好的彙整系統,但是在施政知識的呈報管道上,卻略顯不足。


Under the wave of democratization, the development of information and communication technology had created a digital society. The new public administration considered the government should treat citizens like as customers and particularly focus on efficiency and response. By digital devices, the interaction between citizens and government is not limited by time and space anymore; the electoral system makes politicians not only pay more attention to the feelings and opinions of citizens, but also deal with the problems and responds to the questions immediately. The most common way of the interaction is Government Agency's Email Box System, whether the executive administration or local government, they all attach a great importance on this part. The presidential office email box is one of the symbolic channels of communication. But there are few related researches about Government Agency's Email Box System, not to mention exploring the case of presidential office email box. This article focuses on the presidential office email box and divide into three points as follows: the system, the members, and the processes of replying letters. They could help readers to know the operation and function of presidential office email box. Moreover, this article compares the differences between the presidential office email box, the premier’s e-mailbox, and Taipei city mayor’s e-mailbox. Qualitative methods are used in this research. To construct the shape of presidential office email box by participant observation, analyzing documents, and depth interview to provide the basis for comparing three email boxes, and make clear about the operation and find out some problems. The main findings are following: (1) There are five functions of presidential office email box: gravamen, consultation, Accusation, recommendation, and Complaint. (2) The most important thing is to improve the whole equipment and process of the presidential office email box. Recruiting the volunteers to cope with the letters is an excellent method to learn. The system to save the knowledge of replying the letters of the presidential office email box is doing excellently, but the pipelines of report the policy knowledge still lacked.


Presidential Office Email Box E-Government E-Democracy CRM KM


(Thomas H. Davenport & Laurence Prusak原著)。台北:中國


余佩怡(2013)。內政部部長電子信箱個案研究— 顧客導向觀點分析〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2013.10288
