  • 學位論文


The Nuclear Issue On The Korean Peninsula : Juche Sasang And North Korea’s Interactions With The International Community

指導教授 : 李大中


自90年代以來,北韓核武議題逐漸浮出檯面,並且爆發了三次核武危機,而經由聯合國、國際原子能總署、六方會談裡各大國努力之下,朝鮮半島和平的走過這20年,但是,北韓核問題依然存在,且小規模的軍事摩擦也時有所聞,東北亞成為世界的熱點,北韓如同一顆不定時炸彈,威脅著亞太地區的和平穩定,而本文欲探討北韓的核武動機為何,並以主體思想為出發點。 主體思想下的北韓有其獨特性,也是世界上少有的意識形態治國,在此之下北韓建立一自立自主的經濟體、自我防衛的國防目標、政治自主的外交政策,以及強調一切為軍事優先的先軍政治理念,綜合觀之主體思想的原則與哲學原理,進而推論北韓的核武動機,並檢視多年來的核發展後,北韓核武能力的水準,此外再以國際組織與美、中兩國的外交政策,從旁配合分析;換言之,主體思想為內部的探討與出發點,國際組織與外交政策則是驗證主體思想的原則。因此,可以發現主體思想的作用下,聯合國對北韓的經濟制裁與軍事制裁起不了效用,同時國際原子能總署的聲明對北韓而言更是視於無物,六方會談則是數度中止與無限期停開,而所通過的文件與聲明,北韓從未認真履行,也之所以如此北韓核武議題才可延宕20年的時間,本文以主體思想的原則輔證與國際社會之互動。 北韓核問題始終懸而未解,除了國際組織相關運作之外,作為兄弟之邦的中國,以及身為國際政治領導者的美國,絕對是該議題的要角,然而在主體先軍政治之下,北韓與美國的政治關係更加趨於緊張,相形之下北韓與中國常以唇齒相依形容彼此的關係,因此主體思想的作用下,形成全然不同的外交政策,中國、美國外交上的競爭與合作,亦是本文所探討的。 最後,主體思想下的北韓未來發展將面臨抉擇,假設堅持左傾則沒有前途,而向右傾則有崩潰的危機,未來北韓核問題更加的複雜,主體思想也將面臨挑戰。


Since in 1990s, When North Korea tested a nuclear weapon on 9 October 2006 and 25 May 2009, the world was reminded once again of the nuclear weapon situation on the Korean peninsula. North Korea government announced nuclear test very successful. But this action which was roundly condemned by the international community and became one of the critical flashpoints of international security today. The study for understanding why North Korea want to development nuclear Weapon? Juche Sasang is one of the important reasons. North Korea had unique culture and ideology , Juche was used to refer to economic self-reliance and self-defense, the ideology geared to address North Korea’s contemporary goals an independent foreign policy. So according Juche philosophy we will learn more about why United Nations sanctions for DPRK it’s didn’t have effectiveness . UN sanctions are often ignored by North Korea says it won't recognize any ruling made by the UN security council. The purpose of this study is to analyze Juche Sasang and North Korea’s Interactions With The International Community. The United Stated of America and China how to deal with DPRK nuclear issue problem.


鍾堅 ,〈北韓與核武,世局變亂局〉,《和平論壇》,2003年6月23日。
