  • 學位論文


A Pure Being of Sensations: Virginia Woolf’s “Selfless” World in The Waves

指導教授 : 陳佩筠


探究德勒茲(Gilles Deleuze)「感官感覺」此概念的形成以及將其應用在維吉妮亞.吳爾芙《海浪》中對於「生命」的思考乃此論文著重的主要面向。本論文出發點在於有關「自我」的議題與傳統的意識流詮釋手法已不再全然適切於《海浪》一書中的討論。因此,第一章檢視在小說語言及敘述中,角色間「自我流變」的形塑過程。另外,小說的敘述手法亦可被看作是作者試圖擾亂已僵化的小說傳統,而這也同時是吳爾芙的創作概念中重要的一環。第二章主要探討吳爾芙在《海浪》中如何將「時間」與其相關的思考概念化。小說中的「時間」概念主要被分類為兩種相關聯的型態:「時間感」與「時間的感官感覺」。倘若小說中時間的「斷裂性」被看作是一種特別的連續性,那麼「時間感」與「時間的感官感覺」相互交錯的網絡或許也同時可用電影中的特定手法「蒙太奇」來展現。第三章德勒茲「感官感覺」的理論框架用來討論小說中生命的不同面向的展現。試圖了解不同區塊的感官感覺並以其來理解《海浪》中對於生命的詮釋將是本論文的最終目標。因此,超越任何個人意識,本章的重點不在各角色的細膩剖析;而是探討小說中特定的議題,例如「安靜」、「存有瞬間」與「非存有瞬間」等等。在爬梳這些議題的形塑過程中同時也回應前面兩章有關德勒茲對於生命所作的相關詮釋。總而言之,本論文試圖以德勒茲理解生命的方式來閱讀吳爾芙的小說《海浪》。


流變 感官感覺 無自我 生命


Exploring Gilles Deleuze’s conception of sensation and applying them in the discussion of “life” in Woolf’s The Waves are the major intentions of this thesis. The point of departure of this thesis is basically upon the idea that the self is no longer available to discuss certain topics in The Waves. Hence, the traditional stream-of-consciousness interpretation is somehow limiting when putting into consideration. The first chapter of this thesis examines how the characters’ process of becoming oneself taking shapes in the novel’s language and narrative style. The narrative layout of the novel, which obviously could be seen as the author’s intention of disturbing the stereotypical novel tradition, also stands for one of the main points of Woolf’s ideas for creation. In chapter two, I would mainly explore how Woolf conceptualizes the issue of “time” and its correlations in The Waves. In other words, in this novel “time” has been conceptualized into two interrelated types— the “sense of time” and the “sensation of time.” If “discontinuity” in this novel could be reckoned as another special continuity, then, the interrelated network of the sense and the sensation of time within this novel perhaps could be demonstrated through some cinematic techniques such as “montage.” In chapter three, Deleuze’s concept of “sensation” would be taken as the theoretical framework to represent different dimensions of life in The Waves. Figuring out such bloc of sensations and putting them into the understanding of life in The Waves are the ultimate purposes of this thesis; thus, beyond any individual or personal consciousness, the focus of this chapter is not to analyze each character in detail, but rather, to read The Waves and to talk about the issues such as silence, “moments of being and non-being,” and also to connect them with the conceptions in other chapters in the way of Deleuze conceiving life. To sum up, this thesis attempts to read Woolf’s The Waves in the way that Deleuze conceives life.


becoming sensations selfless life


Bevis, Dorothy.“A Fusion of Symbol, Style and Thought in
Virginia Woolf.”Twentieth Century Literature 2.1
Deleuze, Gilles. Pure Immanence: Essays on A Life. Trans.
---. Essays Critical and Clinical. Trans. Daniel W Smith
(1997): 225-30.
