  • 學位論文


The Microscopic View of Language Distribution: Dialect Geographical Studies in Taiwanese

指導教授 : 卜溫仁


本論文是根據428位田野訪談做成,和閩南語詞彙與民間故事有關。所有的閩南語語料都被轉寫為教會羅馬拼音和國際音標。每位發音人的七個背景因素皆納入研究考量,包括年齡、性別、教育程度、職業、種族、語言背景、和遷移史。本論文分成三部份:(一)、台灣西南部的語音變異研究 (二)、閩南語和客語地區的詞彙分佈研究 (三)、民間故事類型分析。這樣的研究組合和語言學傳統研究一致。 第一部份是分析台南縣某些發音人的去塞擦音之現象,語料來自161位訪談。有此現象的發音人多為年長且教育程度較低的男性,他們偶爾會把塞擦音發為齒擦音。例如,有些發音人把手[t˛Hiu9i]念為[˛iu9i]。 第二部份是「掃帚」的閩南語和客語的方言地理研究,語料來自 250 位訪談,發音人多半來自雲林縣、嘉義縣、台南縣。「掃帚」主要有七種發音:sàu-chíu, sàu-chhíu, chhàu-síu, chhàu-chíu, thàu-chíu(第二型的去塞擦音), chràu-chhíu (過度國語化), sàu-síu (第一型的去塞擦音)。 第三部份是分析媽祖的故事情節和定義其故事類型,語料來自14 位發音人的口述故事和其他多種書面版本。根據阿爾奈-湯普森分類 法,媽祖的故事可被歸類為第705 和513 型,並符合湯普森的八個主題。這對台灣故事類型索引是一大貢獻。


The dissertation is based on 428 fieldwork interviews and is concerned with Taiwan Southern Min lexicon and narrative. All Southern Min data has been transcribed in Church Romanization and the International Phonetic Alphabet. An informant background database was queried for seven factors (age, sex, education, occupation, ethnic identity, language background, and residential history). The work is divided into three separate parts, i.e. a study of phonetic variation in southwest Táiwān, a lexical distribution study for select Southern Min and Hakka zones, and a classification and analysis of a popular cycle of folktales. This combination of research interests is in line with the philological tradition. The first part is an analysis of de-affrication among some Southern Mǐn speakers in Táinán County; data from 161 interviews were extracted in this case. The phenomenon involves informants who are male, elderly, and of limited education, who sporadically produce sibilants where affricates would have been expected. For example, 手 (Mandarin shǒu ‘hand’) is usually pronounced in the area concerned as [t˛Hiu9i], but some informants respond with [˛iu9i]. The second part is a dialect geographical study of Southern Min and Hakka expressions for ‘broom’, based on more than 250 interviews mostly from Yúnlín, Jiāyì, and Táinán counties. The common TSM ‘broom’ word has seven variants in the tri-county area: sàu-chíu, sàu-chhíu, chhàu-síu, chhàu-chíu, thàu-chíu (type-2 de-affrication), chràu-chhíu (hypermandarinism), sàu-síu (type-1 de-affrication). The third part of the dissertation is an attempt to identify the tale types and their motifs for the Māzǔ cycle of narratives on the island; 14 informant narratives are supplemented by various literary versions. Most of the narratives can be designated as a combination of tale types 705 and 513 within the Aarne-Thompson-Uther classification system for folktales; eight of Thompson’s motifs seem to fit the Māzǔ cycle. These assignments are an important contribution to a specifically Taiwan tale type index.


Aarne, Antti & Stith Thompson. 1961². The Types of the Folktale, a Classification and Bibliography. FFC no. 184.
Ashliman, D. L. 1987. A Guide to Folktales in the English Language, based on the Aarne-Thompson Classification System. New York: Greenwood Press.
and social dialectology study on the retrograding of tsh→s category in
Clarkson, Atelia & Gilbert B. Cross. 1980. World Folktales, a Scribner Resource
Vernacular or Spoken Language of Amoy, with the Principal Variations of the
