  • 學位論文


Criterion and Limitation- The Issue of Household Registration System in China

指導教授 : 張家麟


戶口管理制度作為一項重要的社會制度,無論在古代還是現代,都發揮著重要的作用。為鞏固新生政權、重建社會秩序,伴隨著計劃經濟體制的確立,中共戶籍制度逐步建立起來。制度的建立就是在社會一定範圍內每個人必須遵守的行為準則或規範。而中共的戶籍制度從建政初期以協調社會與經濟發展為目的逐漸演變成為限制公民自由遷徙的行政手段。對中國大陸的經濟社會發展產生了深遠的影響。 城鄉二元結構的戶籍制度已嚴重阻礙中共往市場經濟發展,妨礙人力資源在社會的優化配置,延緩了農村城市化、現代化發展,公民待遇不平等,影響社會和諧穩定,同時也增加了社會的治理成本。 基於統治利益的維護和社會持續的穩定,中共對戶籍制度的改革勢在必行,透過先試點後推廣的漸進模式,中國大陸各省市目前已有十二省統一城鄉戶籍,在實現公民身份平等、縮小城鄉差距等方面形成良好的社會效應。由於各地發展不一,中共二元戶籍制度的改革也出現侷限性,在在考驗中共中央與地方政府如何因應市場化經濟同時加快戶籍制度改革的腳步。


戶籍 新制度主義 改革 二元性 城鄉


The system of household management as one of important social systems, it is a key to strengthen new regime and to reconstruct social orders whenever in ancient or present age. With the establishment of planned economy system, the household registration system has been completed step by step in China. The foundation of system is the standard that everyone needs to obey in certain range of society. We can observe that the purpose of establishing household registration system in China is from coordinating social economic development to limiting citizens’ migration freely in political ways. That is really a deep influence to the whole social economic development in China. The household registration system which is based on duality of urban and rural has already prevented not only from developing market economy in China, but also positioning human resources in society. Furthermore, this system has also postponed countryside urbanization and modernization. There are still some disadvantages of it such as treating citizens unfairly, interfering with social harmony, and increasing governmental costs at all. In order to preserve dominative benefit and steady society permanently, the reform of household registration system in China is definite. Through evolution pattern, there are 12 provinces’ household registers have been integrated in China. The reform has also produced positive social effects in the aspects of accomplishing citizens’ fairness and reducing the differences between urban and rural. Due to the difference of development in every region, the reform of duality household registration has had limitation. Thus, it is the test to both central and local government in China which is about how to accelerate the reform of household registration when facing market economy.


household neo-institutionalism reform duality urban and rural


Douglass C. North著,劉瑞華譯,《制度、制度變遷與經濟成就》。台北:時報出版社,1994年。
