  • 學位論文


The study of the concept of the Pursuit of the Happiness in the Constitution of Japan

指導教授 : 胡慶山


日本憲法第十三條規定:「所有的國民,均以個人為身份而必受到尊重。對於生命、自由及追求幸福的國民權利,以不違反公共福祉為限,須在立法及其他國政上,給予最大的尊重」。幸福追求概念乃來自於日本憲法第十三條,此概念源自於一七七六年美國獨立宣言的思想:「所有人皆生而平等,造物者賦予所有人若干明確不可剝奪權利,諸如生命、自由及追求幸福等權利」。而該思想的背後則是深受約翰•洛克(John Locke)所主張「生命、健康、自由及財產」權利的影響。故,近代市民革命中最大的成果之一便是對於幸福追求概念的確保。幸福追求概念被視為是人權保障體系總則,消極的自由加上積極的自由皆受到保障,成為國家政策上最重要的指標。然,日本憲法第十三條中亦有提及公共福祉一詞。關於幸福追求概念的實質權利性,是否存在現今日本?有一說認為幸福追求概念僅是國政基本原則的宣言,不具有能成為裁判規範的具體權利性。有另一說則認為幸福追求乃是包括在日本憲法十四條以下未明確列示的人權,此兩說向來是對立的情況。幸福追求概念的內容為何?至今仍處有高度的解釋空間。歷年來經驗中,幸福追求概念透由判例多次受到主張其重要性,故本論文試以「日本憲法幸福追求概念之研究」為題,試以探討幸福追求概念之相關內容及目前仍存有爭議之處。 「幸福追求」一詞與人們喜愛的幸福有何不同,何為「幸福追求概念」?日本是否真正的存在「幸福追求權」,亦或只是一個訓示性的規定?「公共福祉」是否能限制幸福追求概念?隨著新興人權的掘起,以日本憲法第十三條幸福追求概念為補充加以導出的各項新權利如:環境權、人格權、隱私權、嫌煙權、抽煙權等因此產生,本論文試以探討上述諸問題,由幸福追求概念的成立背景及思想乃至於公共福祉的限制,最後再以判例分析作連貫性的探討及論述。 關鍵詞:幸福追求;日本憲法第十三條;公共福祉;環境權;人格權;隱私權;肖像權;自我決定權


According to the provisions of Article 13 of the Japanese Constitution, “All of the people shall be respected as individuals. Their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness shall, to the extent that it does not interfere with the public welfare, be the supreme consideration in legislation and in other governmental affairs”. This is where the concept of the Pursuit of the Happiness is from, originated from United States Declaration of Independence in 1776, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”. Moreover, well-known English political theorist John Locke’s claim to natural rights is widely acknowledged as one of the primary influences on the Declaration. His contribution to classical republicanism and liberal theory are also reflected in the American Declaration of Independence. The concept of the Pursuit of Happiness is regarded as a general human right, and it has become one of the most important principles in the national administration. However, there are different opinions in the fact whether this “right” does exist in Japan. Some people consider the Pursuit of Happiness as merely a declaration of the basis of the national administration; whereas, some others possess the opinion that it is one of the human rights included, but not specified, in Article 14 of the Constitution of Japan. Hence, this study will be conducted by the investigation into the concept of the Pursuit of the Happiness in terms of its content and possible constraints from the Public welfare. Key word: The Pursuit of the Happiness; Article 13 of the Constitution of Japan; public welfare; Environment right; Personality rights; Privacy rights; Right of likeness; Right of self-determination


