  • 學位論文


A Study of The Shanghai City Image and Scenic Signs Creation from The Tourist Gaze Viewpoint.

指導教授 : 楊明昱


在後觀光主義盛行的年代裡,觀光旅遊文化與過去相較已經有了巨大的轉變,尤其表現在旅遊地的建構上,透過層層的設計與包裝,影響遊客對於旅遊地與其景點的認知與想像,進而達到促動旅遊的效果,以期觀光旅遊活動能替旅遊地帶來更深層政治與經濟價值。 因此,本研究以單一城市概括旅遊地,並以上海作為研究案例,試圖從後觀光主義、後觀光主義之於城市的建設的角度,透過中介文本的訊息與消費者觀點,去探索上海在營造觀光旅遊環境下所做的改變。其中,形象與景點符號可謂城市中最能夠直接接觸的觀察對象,且兩者也是形塑遊客想像息息相關的標的,本研究也以這兩者為目標,從相關的中介文本進行研究。力求透過上海如何打造旅遊城市的過程,提供給愉悅的遊客,一個再深思的空間。 透過上海的形象與景點符號分析,本研究整理出上海展現的旅遊形象,主要有四大面向,其中兩個面向「異國情懷」、「都會時尚」為上海主要的旅遊主線,也是所有遊客記憶最深刻的部分,並且在景點符號特色上則保留既有的文化特質,另外創造創新的符號體驗。此外,另有兩個旅遊副線「中式風情」、「創意樂園」,雖然在遊客的印象中,記憶不深,但是透過多重符號特質融合組成的旅遊副線,對於創造上海的旅遊想像,仍有其重要的輔助地位。 生活在當代的人們已經毫無選擇的生活在這樣的文化方位中,旅遊的趣味就是追求那「驗證性」的過程,在旅遊或城市論述的促動下,那種嚮往的心態是外人無法比擬的,追尋原初的想像而獲得滿足,是後觀光時代裡,對遊客最重要的「旅行的意義」。透過本研究結果,遊客如何在享受旅遊氛圍之餘,還能保有在旅遊過程中獨立深思的空間,是每一位現代遊客都必須深思的問題。


後觀光 上海 城市形象 符號


In this postmodern tourism age, tourism had such a different form than before, especially in how traveling places are constructed. Many traveling places are designed and constructed deeply to catch tourists’ imagination of traveling places and scenic signs, than urge them to go on a trip, and bring about more and more politic and economic benefits for the traveling places. This thesis uses the word “city” to represent a traveling place, and use “Shanghai” to do a case study, having an intention to figure out how shanghai city has been changing to cater to the trend of time in postmodern tourism age through some media text and consumer viewpoints. Among them , it is easier to observe images and scenic signs in the city. Therefore, this thesis uses the two targets and their related text to do research, figuring out how shanghai city constructs the city image and scenic signs, to give intoxicated tourists a brand-new thinking way of the tourism. In the end, this thesis proposes four major shanghai traveling image dimensions. Two of them are more important, which are called the main shaft, “exotic” and “fashion city” respectively. They are related to scenic signs that have a pure style, retaining the culture character, making a new style, and also creating a profound impression from tourists’ viewpoints. The other two image dimensions “eastern feelings” and “original paradise” are called the second shaft, and they use a complex signs creation. Although they play an important role in creating shanghai traveling image, most of the tourists have not had deep impression of those images and areas. People who live in the present cultural position have no chance and decision-making power to select the palce they want to go . Tourism’s interest under the present tourism and city discourse is to seek an authenticity period. It is a special experience for the tourists to seek a good imagination from the memory, and just becomes an important “meaning of the tourism”. According to the thesis, all of the tourists should take a deep introspect on the opposite side to be the best tourists in postmodern tourism age.


Postmodern Tourism Shanghai City image Signs




