  • 期刊


The Research on Tourism Redevelopment Strategy of Jiufen Area from the Perspective of Sustainable Tourism and Tourism Destination Life Cycle




Jiufen is quite famous for its tourism industry due to the movie "City Of Sadness" and the commercial advertisement of the Blue Mountain Coffee. The tourism industry created a very positive impact on its economic development and made JiuFen become a famous tourism destination. Meanwhile, a town, JinFen, also suffered lots of negative impacts due to the development of Tourism. Due to this, the main study purpose is to investigate the sustainability of tourism development in Jiufen area based on the "Tourism Destination Life Cycle Theory" and "Tourism Impact Theory". The tourism impacts and the possibility of sustainable tourism development in Jiufen area will be discussed from four perceptions-local tourism operators, local residents, tourism agencies and visitors. According to research finding, tourism economic impact already ceases increasing, as well as the number of visitors. The tourism environment starts declining due to the overcrowding and the reach of its carrying capacity, which directly cause the decrease on tourist's satisfaction and the loss on tourists. Tourism promotion strategy done by government agencies has lacked its social and cultural elements. People only knew Jiufen from its old-time mineral culture but do not realize Jiufen's social and culture. To reach the tourism sustainable development, Jiufen must preserve its current status and create more tourism attractions, solve its current problems and create new tourism theme.


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台北縣政府主計處97 年線上統計要覽( 2008 ) 。本縣觀光遊憩區遊客人次。下載日期: 2009/7/19, 取自: http://www.bas.ntpc.gov.tw/_file/l528/SG/36005/D.html
交通部公路總局統計資料( 2009 ) 。92 年度至97 年度之公路交通量調查統。下載日期: 2009/3/27 , 取自http://www.thb.gov.tw/tm/Menus/Menus/Menu05_03.aspx
交通部公路總局台北區監理所( 2009 ) 92 年度至97 年度之台北縣各類車輛數量統計。下載日期: 2009/8/5,取自: http://www.tmvso.gov.tw/


