  • 學位論文


The Research of cared marriage family of Mainland Spouses-The case study of New Taipei City

指導教授 : 陳建甫


隨著全球化的發展,婚姻移民已是普遍現象,在同文同種的文化及血源下,兩岸的通婚除了「真結婚」外、一直存在「假結婚真賣淫」、「國家安全」、「人口販賣」等議題,殊不知婚姻移民過程中所可能涉及相關基本權之保障範圍相當廣泛,除了現行移民署的面談機制外,,仍必須考量人權、家庭、個人等觀點,截至100年4月止以結婚名義來台之大陸配偶已逾28萬人,而與65歲以上高齡配偶結婚者共計約3萬餘人,這3萬餘人的婚姻,可稱為「照護式婚姻」。 面對大陸配偶與高齡配偶結婚,即使以婚姻的形式來台,在無感情基楚下,卻實際來台行照顧之實,而當事人亦願意滿足此種「準婚姻關係之伴侶關係」,「照護式婚姻」被視為新式婚姻態樣,其所衍生之社會問題,已成為政府重要施政課題之一。 本研究採用質化研究,以透過文獻探討與深度訪談方法進行探討。文獻探討部分除了作為論述之基礎外,並以立意抽樣,藉由半結構式訪談大綱導引,深度訪問十對新北市轄內65歲以上之高齡配偶與大陸配偶之夫妻,透過訪談將大陸配偶其來台動機、婚姻期待、來台後夫妻生活適應與經濟適應、年邁配偶的照護工作等內容進行晤談分析,藉以揭露「大陸配偶「照護式婚姻」家庭衍生問題之探討」的本質與其所衍生之相關社會問題。 本研究發現 一、高齡配偶願意前往大陸結婚大多是家庭呈現空巢期、大陸配偶來台係為改善家庭經濟;年齡並未影響到大陸女性配偶嫁台的強烈意願,惟面談機制對照護式婚姻之影響層面甚大。 二、大陸配偶因同文同種之原因,在生活適應、經濟適應等適應良好,對於擔任照顧者的身份,大都報持「回饋」的心態;家庭互動中,大陸配偶被視為「貧窮的外來者」,遺產問題更是家庭中不能碰觸的地雷;順利取得中華民國身分證為其最終目的。 三、照護式婚姻在道德與倫理上是有風險的,在對我國社會衝擊上,除了家庭人口式微外、社會負擔、重視大陸配偶之照護地位、日後亦成為新一代之被照顧對象、國家安全等種種社會議題,都期待政府所重視。 本研究建議政府需開始從以下幾點來著手;法令修正、建立移民者公民地位、強化社會支持、建立家庭照護體系、補強家庭照護政策、社會福利政策修正、落實長期照護政策與兼顧國家安全等方面著手改善大陸配偶「照護式婚姻」所衍生之問題。


The marriage immigrants are common as the whole world is under globalization. Both Mainland China and Taiwan came form the same culture and same race, the intermarriages between two shores are always exists the topics with "faking marriage but prostitution", " national security" and "Human Trafficking" and etc. Actually, the human rights what brought from marriage immigrants are extensive then we though, except the current interview consulting system at National Immigration Agency, we still need to consider the human rights, family, individual point and etc. Until April 2011, the Mainland spouses who came to Taiwan by marriage immigrant are over 280,000 people and over 30,000 married with the people who are 65 year old, it is what we called the cared marriage. Those Mainland spouses don't have any relationship with senior Taiwanese spouses who they are married to even they come to Taiwan as a marriage immigrant. They take care of those senior spouses and both parties are satisfied with such "married spouse relationship",its social derived problems have already become one of government's important administrative subjects. This research adopts the qualitative methodology, by literature discussion and interviewing to study the topic. The literature discussion is to support the theory of my research and used its concepts as the guideline to interview 10 couples who are over 65 years old, lived in New Taipei City and married with China spouses. The purposes of the interview are to understand what's the motive of the China spouse to marry with Taiwanese spouses, their expectancy of the marriage, the adaption after living together, the economy condition, the cared activity for the senior spouses in order to find out the character and the social problems what occurred from the cared marriage family of Mainland spouses. The findings and recommendations of this research: First, the senior spouses who like to get marry in China are those people who have no family accompanied and the Mainland spouses are those people want to improve their families economy as well. From the research, it tells us the aging is not the issue to influence China spouse to marry to Taiwan's spouses but the interview system will be the most concern to them. Second, the Mainland spouses are adapted well in general life as the culture and language are the similar with each other. To play as a nursing role in the family, they are almost having the "feedback" in their minds but the interaction between families, they are treated as a poor exterior and the legacy is the topic that can't be touched in the family and also, to get the ID card of Republic of China smoothly seems is their final purpose. Third, the cared marriage family has risk on morals and ethics to our society. For example, it will decline the population, increase society bear, the nursing role of the China spouses become important in the future and they will become the cared people for next generation. And the most important part will be the national security and society issues what have been raised for the past years and it all need our government to pay more attention on it. This research proposes the government to start the improvement from several aspects: revising the statute to establish the citizen's status of the immigrants,to strength the support force from the society,to establish looking after system in the family and enhancing its policy, revising the society benefits policy, to fulfill the long term looking after policy and considering the national security deeply in order to improve and solve the problems what derived from the cared marriage family of Mainland spouses.




廖蔚蘭(2012)。兩岸人民通婚之現況分析 —以桃園縣境陸配取得國籍再婚為例-〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2012.00864
