  • 學位論文


Environmental Racism, Toxicology, and Technology in Neal Stephenson's Zodiac

指導教授 : 蔡振興


本論文旨在探討尼爾.史蒂芬森的科幻小說《黃道號》中,環境歧視、毒物論述與科技的相關議題。尼爾.史蒂芬森藉由環境毒害事件刻畫環境保護論者桑加蒙.泰勒與貝士可化學公司總裁艾文.普拉西之間的衝突。透過尼爾.史蒂芬森的刻畫下,《黃道號》深刻地揭示出桑加蒙.泰勒在尋找汙染證據下所遭受到的一連串阻礙和壓迫。本論文分為四部分:在前言中,作者簡述科幻小說的精神與沿革,以及尼爾.史蒂芬森與科幻小說的關係。第一章藉由勞倫斯•布伊爾(Lawrence Buell)與羅伯特.柏拉特(Robert Bullard)的觀點檢視「環境歧視」與「桑加蒙.泰勒的原則」之間的關連性;藉此呈現貝士可化學公司對於環境的歧視與汙染與分析桑加蒙.泰勒堅持原則對抗貝士可化學公司。第二章分析桑加蒙.泰勒在小說中的角色,他是「環境正義使者」亦或是「環境恐怖主義者」?援用德國社會學家尼克拉斯.盧曼(Niklas Luhamnn)的觀點,進而探討艾文.普拉西利用新聞媒體的力量下汙名化桑加蒙.泰勒的人格與調查行動。第三章研究尼爾.史蒂芬森的《黃道號》中科技所扮演的模糊角色。為了消滅汙染證據,科技一方面淪為消滅多氯聯苯的工具,但它也產生「副作用」替人類帶來更大的災難;另一方面科技卻又創造出解藥,解救人類的性命與環境汙染。


This thesis aims to investigate environmental racism, toxicology, and technology in Neal Stephenson’s Zodiac. In Chapter One, Lawrence Buell’s concept of toxic discourse is applied to the textual interpretation. Drawing on Lawrence Buell’s study of toxic discourse as a literary theme, I am particularly interested in Neal Stephenson’s literary representations of toxic discourse in Zodiac. Besides, his chapter attempts to explain the concept of Sangamon Taylor’s principle and his environmental ethics. Chapter Two proceeds to discuss the role of Sangamon Taylor as an environmental justice messenger. Moreover, this chapter also tries to analyze the role the mass media plays in the novel. This chapter shows whether Sangamon Taylor is an eco-terrorist or a hero who saves the environment. Chapter three discusses the ambivalence of technology in Zodiac. Here I use the novel’s genetically engineered bugs as an example to show technologies are designed specifically for protecting the environment but at the same time generate their own side effects. In my conclusion, I argue that Stephenson’s Zodiac is not only a novel expressing his ecological thought toward the environment, but also shows his attitude toward the mass media and technology.


Buell, Lawrence. The Environmental Imagination: Thoreau, Nature Writing, and the Formation of American Culture. Cambridge: Belknap P of Harvard UP, 1995. Print.
---. Writing for an Endangered World: Literature, Culture, and Environment in the U.S. and Beyond. Cambridge: Belknap P, 2001. Print.
---. The Future of Environmental Criticism: Environmental Crisis and Literary Imagination. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2005. Print.
Bullard, Robert D. Confronting Environmental Racism Voices from the Grassroots. Boston: South End P, 1993. Print.
Cole, Luke W., and Sheila R. Foster. From the Ground Up: Environmental Racism and the Rise of the Environmental Justice Movement. New York: New York UP, 2001. Print.
