  • 學位論文


The study on evaluation and service quality of long-term care institution

指導教授 : 曾妙慧


當老人無法自理生活時,將提升其使用老人福利機構之意願,也表示長期照護需求隨之提升。長期照護的照護品質將成為未來選擇照護機構的關鍵因素。老人健康狀況將是影響老人居住安排的重要因素,老人在身體衰老時以致無法自我照顧時,若子女又無法全心照料照料下,入住長期照護機構將是不得不選擇另一種居住安排的方式。 本研究目的在探討長期照顧服務機構的關係者,包括機構管理者(即服務供給者)與接受服務者(即住民及家屬),對於照護機構的服務品質的看法與差異。本研究中使用深入訪談作為研究方法,參考過去研究中,服務品質在服務業、醫療產業及長期照護產業裡扮演何等重要的關鍵因素。透過不同產業下的比較,發現影響服務品質的相關因素,可以透過服務業被廣泛使用的PZB模型裡,得知服務品質的缺口為何。本研究針對5位住民及家屬、1位主任、1位社工進行深入訪談。根據訪談結果可得,(一) 住民期望服務與養護所對住民期望服務認知之間存有差距,住民期望養護所可以提供更多關懷及活動安排,但對於養護所提供之服務,仍與住民期望之間有差距;(二)家屬在選擇好的照護機構時所主要考量因素為環境衛生、機構的距離與主要照護家屬的住家近可方便家屬就近照護與探望住民; (三) 養護所對其機構內工作人員的期望服務認知與服務品質規格間存有差距,養護所提倡個別化的照護服務,但實際上的照護服務已被標準化,而非個別化的服務;(四)評鑑目的與養護所提供之服務間相互矛盾,評鑑使得照護機構較無額外的時間個別關懷住民,評鑑存有過多的紙上作業進而評鑑壓縮養護所的時間。


When elderly people can not take care of themselves, it will increase the needs of elderly welfare facilities and long-term care. The quality of long-term care will become a key factor of choosing care facilities. Elderly health condition will be an important factor of elderly living arrangement. When elderly people get too old to take care themselves and children can’t provide whole-hearted care, stay in long-term care facilities will become the feasible way of living arrangement. The purpose of this study is to explore the views of the differences in service quality between service providers (administrator) and service recipients (residents and their families). The study use the depth interview as research method, reference to past studies, to find out how the service quality play an important factor in service industry, medical industry and long-term service industry. Comparing different industries, we can discover relevant factors affect service quality, and through the PZB model, which is wildly use by service industry, we can find the gap of service quality. In this study, we have several depth interviews with five residents and their families, one director and one social worker. According to the interviews, we get some results: (A) There are gaps of expected service between residents and care facilities. Residents expect care facilities can supply more arrangements of care and activity, but care facilities still can’t achieve the expectation. (B) The main factors of family choosing good care facilities are environmental health, the distance of the facility and home. (C) There are gaps of the facility’s expectation to the staffs between the awareness of expected service and standard of service quality. The facility advocates individualized care service, but actually, care service have been standardized, not individualized service. (D) The purpose of evaluation and the service of facility supplied are conflicting. There are so much paperwork of evaluation that facilities can’t have extra time to care the residents individually.




