  • 學位論文

Mario Vargas Llosa 的文章及散文中跨文化因素

Intercultural Elements in Mario Vargas Llosa's articles and essays

指導教授 : 羅幕斯


我們進入二十一世紀之初,科技發展日新月異,交通及媒體工具也隨著此現象不停的改進,相對的擁有不同文化背景的個人或族群間之互動也比以前更加頻繁。也因此,跨文化不只是一時短暫的話題,而是一個值得我們去注意、觀察及研究的重要議題,也可以讓我們藉以來更加了解此一現象。 祕魯作家馬里奧•馬爾加斯•尤薩是當今重要的拉丁美洲作家之一,而他除了是一名出色且成功的小說家之外,他同時也是一位記者、散文家及評論家。尤薩每一星期會在西班牙馬德里國家報的專欄中發表一篇文章,談論有關發生在世界各地的不同事件,而這些事件往往也跟跨文化議題有些關聯。在第一章節中,我們會來了解全球化以及跨文化這兩個現代社會不可阻擋現象的概況。緊接著於第二章節中,我們將檢視尤薩的自傳,看這位重要作者的年幼及年輕時的生活經驗對他後來的思想造成怎樣的影響。再來我們會試著談論其在政治、社會及文化上的想法,好讓我們來了解為什麼尤薩的文章及散文中存在著這麼多跨文化的元素,而尤薩又想透過他的文字對讀者表達或傳遞怎樣的訊息。在最後一章節裡,我們會挑選幾項引起我注意的跨文化的議題,其中包含了宗教、種族歧視、文化、國際大都會、科技、教育及移民;每一項議題我們會選擇至少一篇尤薩所撰寫的相關文章,並以此為素材來研究分析尤薩對於這些跨文化議題的看法及意見。


The moment when we enter the 21st century, the process of technology development has accelerated drastically. Because of the unstoppable progress of transportation and communication technology, the contact between not only individuals but also different cultural groups has increased every day. Therefore, the globalization and interculturalism is no longer just the topic of the moment but is worth us studying continuously in detail in order to have a better idea of this universal phenomenon. Mario Vargas Llosa is one of the greatest Latin American novelists of our time, and apart from being a genius and successful writer, he is also a magnificent journalist, essayist and critic. Every week Vargas Llosa publishes one article in a Spanish newspaper El País, talking about different topics relating to interculturalism for his readers. In the first chapter, we would like to start with the panorama of these two irresistible phenomena: globalization and interculturalism. In the second Chapter, we will study the biography of this important writer, to get an idea of how his intercultural thinking was formed from his previous life experiences. After that, we will analyze his political, social and cultural thinking in general in order to understand why his articles and essays always contain so many intercultural elements. In the final chapter, we will choose some intercultural topics that have caught my attention, and those including religion, racism, culture, cosmopolitan cities, technology, education and immigration. With each topic we will choose at least one article of Vargas Llosa, with those materials we can analyze his thinking and opinions regarding to this intercultural phenomenon.


1. Obras de Mario Vargas Llosa
1.1 Libros
“New York, New York”, El País, 15-06-2008.
2. Bibliografía sobre Mario Vargas Llosa
