  • 學位論文


An Investigation of the Significant Attributes of Service in Wedding Industry- A Case Study of College Students at Tamkang University

指導教授 : 温博仕


受到大環境影響,台灣男性和女性的平均結婚年齡有逐年提高的趨勢,此現象也間接導致台灣婚紗市場的競爭更加激烈,台灣社會受少子化的影響,使得結婚新人及雙方家庭對結婚之各種程序,尤其在婚紗禮服及攝影上的考慮或選擇更加慎重與重視。如何成功爭取客源並且在最少的成本下創造最大的收益,必須對於新人在婚紗攝影的喜好與選擇上有一定程度的了解與掌握,才能達到建立永續經營的目標,而婚紗禮服的客製化將會是未來婚紗市場的主要發展方向之一。   多數婚紗攝影業者並未提供真正符合個人需求或偏好的產品,因此本研究透過共同設計的概念,並利用聯合分析方法找出最佳化的婚紗攝影套裝產品組合設計,除了使消費者滿足個人偏好並從中獲取獨特的服務需求外,同時業者亦可提高利潤及增加消費者之滿意度,另可避免或降低在開發新產品時的潛在風險問題。為了達成此目標,本研究應用與專家業者的訪談,搭配研擬的第一階段問卷,調查消費者對於婚紗禮服所重視的主要屬性,計算出受訪者對於婚紗禮服不同屬性的重視程度,搭配不同屬性的各種水準組成多個受測體,再進行第二階段的問卷調查,探討消費者所重視的婚紗禮服屬性重要程度,找出學生族群、不同區隔變數以及個別消費者偏好的婚紗禮服產品組合,提供婚紗業者在行銷上的參考。   經本研究結果發現,學生族群消費者對於婚紗禮服的價格特別重視,顯示婚紗禮服的價格決定了學生族群偏好程度的主因,其次是顏色、款式和舒適度。因此,在執行共同設計服務時,應根據產品的定位族群,在價格上做適當的調整;顏色、款式與修飾度方面則應針對不同族群的消費者需求,提供消費者更多的選擇空間,進而創造出符合消費者個人風格的婚紗禮服產品,以達到業者與消費者的共同受益 目標。


There is a trend that the average age of getting married is rising annually under the impact of the social, political, and economic environment. The phenomenon indirectly leads to a more competitive market of Taiwanese wedding dress business. The newly-weds and their families from both sides deal cautionsly with the preparation of wedding ceremony, especially for the selection of the wedding dress and photography, due to the less number of the newly-wed couples each year in Taiwan recently. The business must know the preferences of the newly-weds on their wedding dress and photography well, so that she can attract the attention of the potential buyers to create her revenue. Thus, the custimization of the wedding dress and photography will be one major direction for future development. Consequently, customized wedding dress will be one of the mainstream in wedding dress factory in the future. However, most wedding dress and photography business do not really provide products that either meet requirements of consumers or satisfy their preference. Therefore, the study aims to find out the optimization of the combination of wedding dress and photography product via the concept of Co-design and by Conjoint Analysis. Except for satisfying consumers’ preference and providing customized service, the dealers can also increase profits and customer satisfaction to avoid and reduce the potential risk of product development and innovation. For this purpose, the research takes advantage of interviews with professional businessmen, along with formulated first-stage questionnaire to look into the main attribute of wedding dress that consumers value, and then makes use of the concept of Co-design and employs Conjoint Analysis to calculate the extent of attention that interviewees pay to wedding dress of various attributes, collocate the number of samples from different attribute levels and conduct the second-stage questionnaire survey afterwards. In this stage, the survey is to discuss how much importance that consumers place on attribute of wedding dress¬ and find out the preference of students, segmentation variables as well as individual consumer for combinations of wedding dress products in order to be the reference for marketing.   The study concludes that the students (or newly-weds), in general, are sensitive to the price of the wedding dress. This result suggests that the price of wedding dress primarily determines the consumers’ preference. Also, the design, color, and level of comfort come in the second to be the considerations for wedding dress. Hence, when carrying out the service of co-design, we should readjust the price appropriately in terms of the targeted consumer groups. As for the design, color, and customized trimming, we should also aim at diverse consumers’ demands and provide consumers with more options. Finally, by applying the above adjustments, the dealer will be able to create the wedding dress fitting in with personal style in order to achieve the mutual benefit of dealers and consumers.


Co-design Conjoint Analysis Wedding Dress


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