  • 學位論文


An exploraty study of Human Brand building process - The case of Linsanity cult of Jeremy Lin

指導教授 : 黃哲盛


短短的十二天內,NBA出現了一位家喻戶曉的明星林書豪,從一個板凳球員變成帶領全隊創造七連勝的明星後衛,就團隊來說,他終結了尼克隊近十年的慘澹戰績,讓球隊母集團市值暴增近一億四千萬美元(約合新台幣四十一億元);就個人而言,不但帶領了士氣低落的尼克隊贏得勝利,也改變了他自己的命運,扭轉了全世界的眼光,更是挽救了NBA因封館爭議而下滑的人氣。連美國總統歐巴馬都說:「這是一個非常了不起的故事。」本研究為了了解林書豪如何在短短的十二天內快速的形成名人品牌以及這傳奇的歷程,以大量的次級資料進行探索性研究。 研究探討發現如下,喜好林書豪的球迷,大多經由大眾媒體、UGC類社會互動模式與自行搜尋的方式拓展對林書豪的認識。個人的喜好決定因素主要來自於名人品牌特質與生長背景兩大因素上,社群間類社會行為的推波助瀾也促使林書豪的知名度在短短的時間內水漲船高。此種類社會模式所影響的風格及其所使用吸引大眾注意力的方式與內容,實為重要的促媒,對於名人品牌的建立有著廣度與深度的催化影響。


Jeremy Lin is an undrafted point guard for the New York Knicks who seemingly emerged from nowhere to become an international phenomenon in merely 12 days, leading the New York Knicks to a season-high seven-game winning streak and winning over fans across the world. For his NBA team, Jeremy Lin helped end the bad 10-year record, adding USD 140 million (approximately equal to NTD 4.1 billion) to the parent company's market value. For himself, Jeremy Lin not only led the New York Knicks to victory, but also changed his own destiny. He has changed the way people view destiny, just like the US President Barack Obama said” It’s just a great story. It’s obviously terrific for the New York Knicks, but it’s the kind of sports story that transcends the sport itself.” By using massive secondary information, this thesis aims at exploring the incredible process and reason why Jeremy Lin can build his human brand in just 12 days. The results showed that most Jeremy Lin’s fans expand their understanding of Jeremy Lin through the mass media, UGC and self-search. The individual preference is determined by characteristics of human brand and personal background. The social-like behaviors among different social groups also help increase Jeremy Lin’s publicity in a short time. The effects of the observed social-like behaviors, including what they are and how they contribute to public attention, catalyze the process of establishing the human brand in its width and depth.


Human brand Brand Building UGC Commitment Jeremy Lin


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