  • 學位論文


A study of applying untraceable RFID for inpatient medication safety

指導教授 : 李鴻璋


在台灣,2010年醫療疏失事件中,藥物疏失事件位居第一,嚴重危害國人的醫療安全。會發生藥物疏失事件因素有很多,例如藥名相似、配藥人員的疏失、藥物不良等問題,要如何應用資訊科技來改善醫療疏失,目前已成重要的研究課題。其中如何將RFID技術導入整體醫療行為之中,以降低發生藥物失誤事件或配藥人員的疏失等醫療缺失,已成有效解決醫療誤置非常重要的選項,如在藥物與病人都擁有各自的RFID標籤,在以智慧卡認證之護士的醫療行為中,如何確保配藥安全與責任。 在本論文中,RFID的識別特性可以幫助護士識別病人身份與其藥物,我們建立安全的RFID標籤雙向驗證機制,提供不可追蹤性並抵擋惡意攻擊行為,並使配藥過程擁有不可否認性來確立責任,以保障病人權益,來提升病人的醫療環境與品質。


RFID 藥物事件 住院病人 分配藥物


In Taiwan, medication errors which account for the major medical negligence incidentin 2010 would seriously endanger people's health care safety. There are many factors that induce themedicationerrors, such as the similarnamesamong the drugs, the negligent dispensation of drugs,adverse drug problems,and so forth.How to apply information technology to improve medical malpractice has become an important research topic.To bulid RFID technology ino the overall health behavior in order to reduce the occurrenceof drug blunders or negligence of the dispensing staff has become a very important option for the medical malpractice. Examples are, drugs and patientshave their own RFID labels, nurse medicalpractices is certified by smart-card,and safe medical behavior is ensuredand responded. In this paper, based on RFID’s identification of patients' identity and associated drugs, we further establish a two-way authentication mechanism anduntraceablemessages among the RFID tags,and thus,withstand malicious attacks. The dispensing process is undeniable and the responsibility is therefore established. All this can protect patients' rights and improve the environment and quality of the patient's medical.


RFID medical incidents inpatient medical malpractice


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