  • 學位論文


Textual Research of Other Meanings of Huoti in the “Shuowen Jiezi”

指導教授 : 陳廖安 崔成宗


東漢許慎著《說文解字》,共收字九千三百五十三字,除字頭正篆外,亦廣泛收錄與之音義相同而形體相異的古文、籀文、或體、俗體、奇字等,此皆統言為「重文」,即許書正篆以外重出之字。今考徐鉉本《說文解字》所收重文共一千兩百七十餘字,其中標明的「或體」占四百九十九字乃為數最多者。或體和正篆之異體關係及存在形式,當可視為許慎對漢代文字的整理與規範,然隨時代演進,漢字發生演變,則必然產生新的規範與標準。考察「或體」於漢字發展過程中有無別義,且參照今日教育部公布之標準正字,分析或體音、義傳承與分化的現象及原因,對於瞭解漢字的演變及規範化具有重要的參考價值。 本論文以徐鉉本《說文解字》中許慎明言之或體字為研究對象,逐字考辨其於古代字、辭、韻書及歷代文獻著作中與正篆相較詁訓有無別義。以「《說文解字》或體別義考」為論文題,第一章「緒論」敘述研究動機與目的、前人研究概況、研究範圍與方法,第二、三章即分述「《說文解字》或體有別義考辨」及「《說文解字》或體無別義考辨」。 第四章「或體之傳承與分化」,通過前章查考古代字、辭、韻書與歷代文獻著作,發現部分或體相較於正篆有了字音與字義上的變遷,由此知或體不再僅是與正篆異形而同音義之異體,顯示出或體的分化。以或體有別義視為或體的分化,反之無別義則視為或體的傳承,故此章分「或體之傳承─或體無別義」及「或體之分化─或體有別義」兩現象作探討。 第五章「結論」藉由前章研究結果與發現,討論或體別義考之研究價值、局限與發展,作為本研究成果的總結。


說文解字 或體 別義 正字 規範


Shuowen Jiezi was written by Xu Shen during the Eastern Han Dynasty. It has a collection of 9,353 Chinese characters which include the official Seal Character (Chinese: Zheng Zhuan) and other styles with similar pronunciation and meaning but with different scripts such as the Ancient Script, Large Seal Script (Chinese: Zhou Wen), Huoti, Folk Script (Chinese: Suti), Modified Script (Chinese: Qi Zi), etc. Such patterns are called Chinese character variations (Chinese: Chong Wen), i.e. repeated variations of Chinese characters except for the official Seal Character. A total of 1270-odd Chinese character variations in the Shuowen Jiezi was interpreted by Xu Xuan, with 499 Huoti words accounting for most of the text in the book. The difference in writing and form between Huoti and the official Seal Character may be considered a collection and standard created by Xu Shen in relation to the ancient Chinese characters of the Han Dynasty. However, Chinese characters changed through the years with the constant evolution of new norms and specifications. It is important to understand the development and standardization of Chinese characters by researching other Huoti meanings relevant to the development of Chinese characters as well as referring to the standard characters set by the Minister of Education and analyzing the phenomenon and reasons behind the tradition and differentiation of Huoti pronunciation and meaning. This subject of the thesis is Xu Shen’s explicit interpretation of the Huoti in the Shuowen Jiezi, written by Xu Xuan. A textual research will be conducted word for word to find out whether Huoti and the official Seal Characters have different meanings in terms of ancient scripts, speech, phonology and historical literature. The title of the paper is “Textual Research of Other Meanings of Huoti in the Shuowen Jiezi”. The first chapter introduces the research motivation and purpose, literature review, research scope and method. The second and third chapters explain the textual research of other meanings of Huoti in the Shuowen Jiezi and the textural research of the absence of Huoti meanings in the Shuowen Jiezi, respectively. The fourth chapter discusses the Tradition and Differentiation of Huoti. Several changes in phonetics and literal meaning were found to exist in Huoti when compared to the official Seal Character based on ancient scripts, speech, phonology and historical literature. Huoti is said to have a different variation from the official Seal Character in terms of scripts but has the same pronunciation and meaning. However, it also shows differentiation. The meanings of Huoti are considered as either differentiation or tradition if there exists no other meanings. Therefore, this chapter discusses these two aspects. The fifth chapter is the conclusion which includes research results and findings mentioned in the previous chapters. It discusses the research value, limitations and development of Huoti.


《說文解字注》(漢)許慎撰 (清)段玉裁注,臺北:黎明文化事業股份有限公司,2002年10月。
《說文解字》(漢)許慎撰 (宋)徐鉉校定,北京:中華書局,2008年3月。
