  • 學位論文

文學諷刺與文化詮釋:比較Mariano Jose de Larra 的Articulos與錢鍾書《圍城》的書寫藝術

The Satirical Literature and the Cultural Interpretation: Toward a rhetorics in Mariano Jose de Larra’s Articles and Qian Zhongshu’s Fortress Besieged

指導教授 : 林盛彬


拉臘(Mariano Jose de Larra)是西班牙十九世紀浪漫時期的作家,以其多產的批判性諷刺短文聞名。他的《短篇集》(Articulos)即為由多篇短文所組成的作品,在每篇文章中拉臘都使用幽默詼諧的方式來論述他生活周遭所發生的事情,並且藉由這些事情來批判西班牙的社會以及其民族性例如:懶惰、無知、沒有教養等等。 錢鍾書是二十世紀中國作家,《圍城》是其極富盛名的長篇諷刺小說,,被小說評論家夏志清先生譽為「中國近代文學中最有趣、最用心經營的小說,可能是最偉大的一部」。《圍城》生動地描述一群中國知識分子在生活、工作、愛情上遇到問題時的反應和想法。故事從方鴻漸留學歸國開始,隨著故事的發展,錢鍾書運用幽默且辛辣的筆法,藉由他被迫離開上海前往三閭大學教書的經歷,逐漸揭露當代知識分子的真面目 拉臘的《短篇集》和錢鍾書的《圍城》雖同屬於諷刺文學,卻有著截然不同的風格,前者呈現出強烈的喜劇性,後者則是顯露出一種尖酸辛辣的諷刺感。論文將透過分析兩位作家所使用的諷刺方式,以及探討不同文化在作品中扮演的角色,來找出造成這種差異的原因。 本論文共有三個章節,分別論述拉臘《短篇集》和錢鍾書《圍城》的諷刺修辭及其文化內涵。第一章從精神生活、社會生活和物質生活方面,分析及比較中西方文化特質。第二章將先介紹《短篇集》和《圍城》的故事內容和整體架構。然後採用克拉克和張宏庸兩位學者對於諷刺類型分類的研分析錢鍾書和拉臘於其作品中所使用的諷刺修辭。第三章則針對兩位作者所批判的內容,歸納分析所有的主題,並且探討中西方文化在其作品中所扮演的角色。


拉臘 圍城 諷刺修辭 文化詮釋


Mariano Jose de Larra is a Spanish romantic writer and best known for his satirical and critical essays. In his work “Articles”, which is composed with many short articles, Larra narrated what happened to him in daily life in a humorous way. Through these articles, he criticized the Spainish society and national characters, such as laziness, ignorance, bad manners, etc. Qian Zhongshu is a Chinese writer in the twentieth century. His famous satirical novel Fortress Besieged was said to be the most interesting one in Chinese contemporary literature. In this novel, Qian vividly described the reactions of chinese intellectuals when facing their problems in life, works and love. The story begins with Fang Hongjian’s coming back to China after he finished his “Ph.D” in philosophy. As the story went on, Qian used the humorous but sharp way to unmask these intellectuals’ true colors through their unwilling experience of leaving ShangHai to University of Sanlu. Although both Articles and Fortress Besieged are works of satirical literature, they are of totally different types. The former presents with a strong comedical feeling; the latter shows the sarcasm in an acrid and sharp way. This thesis are going to investigate what reasons cause the differences by analyzing forms of satirical expression used by Larra and Qian, and discussing what kind of roles their different cultures play in their writing. The thesis expounds the satirical rhetoric and the cultural interpretation of Articles and Fortress Besieged in three chapters. In Chapter 1, the researcher analyzes and compares the characters of western and eastern cultures in the spiritual life, social life and material life; in Chapter 2, the researcher introduces contents and structures of Articles and Fortress Besieged, and analyzes the satirical rhetoric that Qian and Larra used in their works through the theory of Melvilla Clark and Chang Hungyung’s reaserch; in chapter 3, the researcher organizes and analyzes all themes, and investigates what roles western and eastern cultures play in Larra and Qian’s works.


A. Libros
AMELL, Alma, La preocupacion por Espana en Larra, Madrid: Editorial Pliegos, 1990.
CONFUCIO, Los cuatro libros, traducido por Joaquin Perez Arroyo, Madrid: Espasa Libros, 2002.
CRITCHLEY, Simon, On humour, London: Routledge, 2002.


