  • 學位論文


A study of style Ouyang Xiu’s Ci

指導教授 : 呂正惠 蘇敏逸


歐陽修在北宋的文學、史學、政治、詩文革新等方面都居於領袖地位,在詞史亦佔有一席之地。然而他在詞這一領域的開拓之功,卻沒有受到歷代評家的重視,直到馮煦云:「疏雋開子瞻,深婉開少游」,才肯定歐詞的重要性。歐詞中有豐富的內在情蘊及出色的外在藝術值得探究,但,歐陽修在宋詞發展史上承先啟後的重要地位,及其詞開拓出前所未見的美學風貌,卻未獲研究者的青睞,因此筆者以「歐陽修詞風格研究」為題作為研究方向。 本論文共分為六章,第一章「緒論」,就研究動機、研究範圍、前人研究概況、研究方法與架構做說明。第二章「歐陽修詞之創作背景」,先探究宋詞發展的社會背景,及探討馮延巳、晏殊對歐詞的影響和啟發。第三章「歐陽修詞的題材與主題」,將歐陽修的詞作進行歸納整理,概分為「相思情愛詞」、「節序風土詞」、「人生感慨詞」三大類,來全面解析歐詞在題材與主題上兼容並蓄,在風格上豐富深廣的成就。第四章「歐陽修是『以詩為詞』的先驅」,先探究歐陽修「以詩為詞」的表現自我情感,再釐清歐詞與東坡詞的關係,來探討歐公對蘇軾的影響和啟發及東坡承繼歐詞的疏雋詞風,開拓豪放詞派。第五章「歐陽修詞之藝術風貌」,分別從歐陽修詞作中呈現出兩種傾向、複雜的風格特徵及分析詞調特色三方面來探討歐陽修詞的寫作技巧,以了解其作品中豐富的藝術風貌。第六章「結論」,進行論文的綜合整理,透過總覽全文整理出各章節的論述重點,確立歐公在宋詞的發展史上承先啟後的地位及開拓之功。 本論文主要以歐陽修詞中多樣的題材、主題與其詞作之藝術風格作一研究,論文中並兼論歐陽修詞的創作背景,來肯定歐陽修是「以詩為詞」的先驅。歐陽修詞的詩化傾向,對於宋代多種詞風產生重要的影響,可惜歷代評家重視不夠,目前學術界關注較少,故藉由本論文的研究,對歐陽修詞作作更進一步的瞭解。 關鍵詞:歐陽修詞、風格、以詩為詞


歐陽修詞 風格 以詩為詞


Ouyang Xiu occupies a leading position in many fields in Northern Song Dynasty, including literature, historical study, politics, reformation of writing style, and Ci’s writing as well. However, his important role as a forerunner in the field of Ci is hardly paid attention to by critics for many dynasties, until Feng Xu made a comment: “The style of Shujuan (“open and elegant”) starts from Ouyang Xiu, while the style of Shenwan (“deep and emotional”) from Qin Guan.” The importance of Ouyang was finally pointed by Feng, and more studies of Ouyang’s Ci appeared after that, which mainly focuses on the rich emotion and the excellent artistic techenique expressed in Ouyang’s poems. However, Ouyang’s role in a transitional period in the development history of Ci in Song Dynasty has not yet won enough concern by scholars. As a result, I decides my research topic as “A study of style Ouyang Xiu’s Ci”. This essay is consisted of six chapters. The first chapter is an introduction which illustrates my motivation, the scale of this research, the previous study in this field, the research method and the structure of this paper. The second chapter, "the background of Ouyang Xiu's writing", starts with a brief introduction of Ouyang's life and then deals with the social background of the Ci in Song Dynasty as well as the influence of Feng Yanji and Yan Shu on Ouyang. The third chapter is "the themes of Ouyang Xiu's Ci", in which I classify Ouyang's Ci into three categories--on love, on local culture, and on the ups and downs of one's life--so as to integrately analyse the comprehensiveness of themes and the richness of content in Ouyang's Ci. The fourth chapter, "Ouyang Xiu as the forerunner of writing Ci with the technique of writing Shi", discusses the writing technique of Ouyang by which he conveys his feelings, and by analysing the relationship between Ouyang's Ci and Su Shi's, discusses the influence and inspiration of Ouyang on Su, who carries on Ouyang's style and begins the Haofang school of Ci. The five chapter, "the artistic style of Ouyang's Ci", contains analysis from three perspectives--Ouyang's twofold preferences, his complicated style and his unique uses of Ci' tone—which is helpful for the appreciation of Ouyang's richness. The sixth chapter serves as a conclusion: by outlining the whole paper and emphasising the key points in this essay, I reconfirm the significant role of Ouyang Xiu as a connecter between the past and the future in the development of Ci in Song Dynasty. This essay focuses on the Ouyang's versatile themes, his artistic style, as well as his life and writing background, so as to argue that Ouyang is the first one who writes Ci with the technique of writing Shi. This writing feature of him has significantly influenced many Ci schools in Song Dynasty, but there is a lack of academic attention of critics in many decades. Under this circumstance, this paper is helpful for a deeper understanding of Ouyang's Ci.




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