  • 學位論文


Memory-writing "the black block" in Marguerite Duras's works:"The Sea Wall"、"The Lover" and "The North China Lover"

指導教授 : 蔡淑玲


論文提要內容:  本文以莒哈絲在《物質生活》一書中所解釋的概念「黑暗團塊」為出發點。在她所撰的文章及和他人訪談時,莒哈絲常常提及到在寫作時體內有這樣的一個要素在影響其寫作、且對她有很重要的影響性。以這為基礎開始發展,先探討何謂黑暗團塊,究竟黑暗團塊在她自身中扮演著何種角色、又對她寫作帶來何種影響?此物究竟是造成她寫作失序的原因,抑或是內在正向的寫作動能?接續談寫作之於莒哈絲的意義。再從記憶與回想結合黑暗團塊及寫作,看此三者間的關聯,以及她於文本中對於同一件事情在敘述上的呈現及差異。  第二部份開始,以《情人》三部曲為文本分析基礎。在這三本敘述背景相關連的文本中,選取了四大主題:母親、海�水、情人與死亡作為分析要點。搭以其它相關著作進行多重文本分析,找出相呼應的段落,討論為何莒哈絲對同一件事情有各種不同形式的書寫。接著就所發現之異同。探討莒哈絲作品中的虛構及真實性。在虛實安排、多重文本之間,莒哈絲所欲描述及追憶的究竟為何?隨著被揭露的四個要點,莒哈絲反覆流轉於之間,回歸生命最原初-生與死的問題。  研究者期盼能跳脫一般認為《情人》應為自傳式小說的閱讀方式,從自我書寫的角度看黑暗團塊以及多重文本的關聯。看莒哈絲如何藉由揭露黑暗團塊-或者說書寫黑暗團塊、透過寫作來喚起她古老的本源、揭開內心裡的黑洞,探尋到原初自我的最高處-生命存在的本質。


Abstract: This thesis was based on the concept : the black block of Marguerite Duras. She frequently mentioned in her books and in the interview with Alain Vircondelet or Laure Adler that there is something unknown inward which influenced her when she was writing. Accrording to these documents, this research start with some questions: what is the black block to Duras? How can it has a great effect on her works? Is this the reason that we can’t find any order in her writing? Or is it a power intrinsic? From these questions, this thesis is going to discuss the meaning of writing and the black block to Duras. And how do they effect on her writings and memories. In the second part, we choose four themes: mother, water, lover and death from the series of The Lover to take up why Duras was described these four over and over, brought these versions variant. Then, by means of these similarities and dissimilarities, we are trying to analyse the fiction and reality in her books. Between these versions variant, Duras bends her efforts for writing, to recall something important and return to the question original in the life – life and death. In the end, we look forward to making a different point of view to read these novels-the self-writing. Through this way, to realize how she devote herself to writing, to explore her internal.


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