  • 學位論文


A Study of Consumer's Attitude and Purchase Intention toward Hybrid Car-An Examination of Perceived Green Value

指導教授 : 張俊惠


由於全球暖化,造成世界氣候異常,使各國的環保意識逐漸提升。而造成全球暖化的溫室氣體主要為二氧化碳,其中以汽車所排放的廢氣佔大多數,加上油價高漲,由於前述的環保及油價上漲,綠色環保概念車將商機無限。據此,本研究將針對台灣消費者對於油電混合車市場相關的想法及消費行為進行探討。 而本研究目的在於探討消費者對油電混合車的綠色知覺價值(利他價值、社會價值、象徵價值、犧牲價值)與態度之關連性,以及綠色知覺價值(利他價值、社會價值、象徵價值、犧牲價值)是否對消費者購買意圖有正向影響。 本研究對研究對象進行人員紙本發放及網路問卷的施測。並使用SPSS12.0版以及LISREL8.7版作為資料分析工具。 經由結構方程模式驗證研究假說,得知以下結論: ㄧ、台灣油電混合車市場,消費者對油電混合車態度會影響油電混合 車購買意圖發生。 二、油電混合車的綠色知覺價值確實對消費者購買油電混合車的態度 及購買意圖造成影響。 三、綠色價值影響購買意圖的過程中,除了社會價值之外,就其他三 個價值而言,態度扮演重要的中介角色。 根據本研究資料分析的結果,發現在台灣油電混合車市場最重要是犧牲價值再來是社會價值和利他價值,並提供廠商做決策的參考及後續研究的研究建議。


Global warming has caused serious impact on the human and the environment we are living. It has also caused the greenhouse effect. The primary greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere is carbon dioxide (CO2), which emissions produced majorly by cars. Besides,because of the upsurge of the international oil price made people faced how to respond to the soaring price in the oil market. Therefore, in order to follow the trend of eco-conscious and oil is rising constantly, the automakers go green.In Taiwan, the demand of hybrid cars increase more and more, hybrid cars will be a trend in the future. The purpose of the study is researching perceived green value (Altruistic Value, Social Value, Symbolic Value, and Sacrifice Value) has relation with consumer attitude and perceived green value (Altruistic Value, Social Value, Symbolic Value, and Sacrifice Value) to purchase intention has positive effect in Taiwan’s hybrid cars market. The research applied SPSS12.0 and LISREL8.7 to assess if the theory of green perceived value could affect consumer’s attitude and purchase intention. There are three findings from the research: (1)Consumer’s attitude has an impact on purchase intention in Taiwan’s hybird cars market. (2)Perceived green value (Altruistic Value, Social Value, Symbolic Value, and Sacrifice Value) has an impact on consumer’s attitude and purchase intention buying hybird cars in Taiwan. (3)In the process of perceived green value (Altruistic Value, Symbolic Value, and Sacrifice Value) affect purchase intention, attitude has be an important mediator . Concluding the above findings, several suggestions have been recommended to provide the firms as a business development direction and marketing method and further to be used for the follow-up researchers.


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