  • 學位論文


The Study of Collaborative Governance: The Case Study of Elderly Long-term Care in Local Government

指導教授 : 曾冠球


由於近年民眾需求愈趨多元,然而政府卻面臨財政緊縮、資源有限的困境,傳統官僚體系已無法跟上人們需求的腳步,為減經政府負擔並回應民眾需求,期望藉由跨部門、領域的協力以有效地緩解各類政策問題。又由於高齡化的社會趨勢,老人長期照顧需求快速增加及問題的複雜性,為能更全面及有效地解決此一問題,勢必藉由各方相關單位的共同協力。 基此,本研究以協力治理之觀點做為出發,針對臺北市的老人長期照顧政策進行深入觀察,以檢視影響協力治理之相關因素以及執行過程中可能遭遇之困境,並進一步探究協力管理者所需具備之相應能力。 本研究結果顯示:雖然民眾為長期照顧服務的接受端,然其對於長期照顧服務的認知卻是影響服務輸送極為關鍵之因素;而除文獻所載之目標與認知衝突、權責分配不清以及本位主義等三項障礙外,尚面臨了「新制舊例差異」、「成員流動率高」與「契約隸屬關係」等困境;而協力管理者之因應能力則至少包含「衝突管理」、「經營關係」、「訊息彙整」、「建立領導」、「業務認知」、「相互溝通」等六項能力。 期望藉由本經驗性研究之分析結果,能對於長期照顧服務之運作有更深切的認識,使其服務輸送能更加順利並促使長期照顧政策能更符合民眾所需,有效地達到政策目標。


In recent years, the needs of the people become more and more diverse. However, the government was faced with the plight of austerity and limited resources. The traditional bureaucratic system was no longer to satisfy the needs of the people. The government Expect to reduce the burden and to respond to the needs of the people by the way of inter-departmental and interdisciplinary collaboration to solve various policy issues effectively. Also, due to the trend of an aging society, the needs of elderly long-term care and its complex situation have been rapid increase. The more comprehensive and effective solution to this problem rely on the relevant units to collaboration. Based on this, the research takes the perspective of collaborative governance to investigate the Taipei City Government’s elderly long-term care policy. Examining the relevant factors affecting collaborative governance and the difficulties in the implementation process, further, explore collaborative managers corresponding capability. The findings showed: Although the people are the receiving end of long-term care services, but their cognition of long-term care services are the critical factor to the service delivery. In addition to the literature, the long-term care also facing the "differences between old and new system", "high Replacement rate of the member" and "contractual affiliation". The capability of collaborative managers at least include the "conflict management", "relationship management", "message Integration", "establish and lead", "profession percept", and “communication" six capacities. Through the result of this empirical research, expect to know the way of operation for long-term care services more clearly, to makes the service delivery more smoothly, and to promote long-term care policies more in line with the needs of the people, achieve the policy goals more efficiently.




