  • 學位論文


China's FTA strategy development and current status

指導教授 : 潘錫堂


2007年,中國大陸胡錦濤總書記在中國共產黨召開的第17次全國代表大會上,明確提出要「實施自由貿易區戰略,加強雙邊多邊經貿合作」,這是中國大陸首次將對外佈建自由貿易區列為國家級戰略,提升了自由貿易區在中國大陸經濟發展建設的重要性與層級 。中國大陸認為,在雙邊FTA談判中,中國大陸與其對話對象是處於平等的地位,而且可以較短時間與較小幅度市場開放為代價,達成協議,這與過去中國大陸在申請加入WTO當中,單方面開放市場,居於相對不平等的地位,有很大的差別 。 根據WTO區域貿易協定資訊系統的統計,截至2010年11月,向WTO通報生效的區域貿易協定總數達290個,自由貿易協定(Free trade Agreement;FTA)的數量最多,達160個,其次為關稅同盟(Customs union)達15個;從時間點觀察,在2002年之後生效的區域貿易協定總數達191個;分區域來看,在東亞地區簽署的RTA總數共47個,絕大部分為FTA加上經濟整合協議;從時間點來看,除亞太貿易協定等少數幾個為早期簽訂外,大多集中於2004年之後簽訂,且2007年之後快速增加,帶動東亞區域經濟整合的風潮 。 而中國大陸之所以如此積極洽簽自由貿易協定,主要是因自從1978年改革開放30多年來,中國大陸利用對外貿易的高度成長帶動了中國大陸經濟的蓬勃發展,也使中國大陸的對外貿易依存度逐年提高 。而中國大陸靠著高外貿依存度拉動經濟成長的模式,也因為一、加入WTO後一直被多數國家(尤其是已開發國家)認定為非市場經濟地位國家,因此對中國大陸實施反傾銷等貿易制裁有其法源依據;二、在美國金融風暴與歐債危機的影響之下,也使中國大陸面臨了因終端出口市場需求衰退,導致出口貿易也連帶的受到了影響,使經濟同步走向了衰退;三、杜哈談判中止代表了全球多邊貿易體系的受阻,也使雙邊貿易(FTA)與區域經濟整合的重要性持續增加。 因自由貿易協定(FTA)本身具有的WTO適法性,以及相對於多邊貿易的彈性架構,使得中國大陸開始大量與諸多國家(已開發中國家為主)洽簽FTA來規避貿易困境,並希望藉由在東亞、亞洲的區域經濟整合來提升中國大陸的國際地位。


2007, Chinese President Hu Jintao in the Communist Party of China held its 17th National Congress, an explicit proposal to "implement the FTA Strategy, expand bilateral and multilateral trade and economic cooperation." This is the first time in China's Free Trade Area of ​​external provisioning as a national strategy to enhance the free trade zone in China's economic development and the importance of building level. China believes that the bilateral FTA negotiations, China and its object is the dialogue on an equal footing, and can be shorter and smaller increments open market at the expense of an agreement with the past in China applied to join the WTO in which a single opening up the market, living in relatively unequal position, there is a great difference. According to the WTO Regional Trade Agreements Information System, as of November 2010, notified the WTO Regional Trade Agreements in force totaled 290, FTA (Free trade Agreement; FTA) is the largest number of 160, followed by tariff Union (Customs union) of 15; from the time point observation, which came into effect in 2002 the total number of regional trade agreements 191; Sub-regional perspective, the RTA in East Asia signed a total of 47 total, plus the vast majority of FTA on economic integration agreements; from the time point of view, except for the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement for the early signing of a few other foreign, mostly concentrated in 2004 after the signing, and the rapid increase after 2007, driven by a wave of regional economic integration in East Asia. China is so actively negotiating a free trade agreement since 1978 mainly due to the reform and opening up 30 years ago, the use of foreign trade in China led to high growth in China's booming economy, but also China's trade dependence has increased annually. The Chinea against the high dependence on trade to promote economic growth mode, but also because after joining the WTO has been most countries (especially in developed countries)identified as non-market economy status, so China to implement anti-dumping and other trade sanctions has its legal basis; Second, the financial crisis in the United States and under the influence of the European debt crisis, but also China facing recession due to end export market demand, resulting in exports also contributed to the affected, the economy toward a recession synchronization ; Third, the suspension of the Doha negotiations on behalf of the global multilateral trading system disruption, but also the bilateral trade (FTA) and the importance of regional economic integration continues to increase. Because of free trade agreements (FTA) with the WTO itself, legality, and the elasticity with respect to the multilateral trade framework, making China in large quantities and many other countries (mainly developed countries) to circumvent the trade negotiation and signing of FTA plight and hope In East Asia, the Asian regional economic integration to enhance China's international status.


究」,中華經濟研究院 台灣WTO中心,2010年12月,頁104-109。


