  • 學位論文


The Study on the Governance of Detroit Mayor Coleman Young

指導教授 : 紀舜傑


美國的都市為全美國最基層的行政單位,現今的大部分的大都市已採用強勢市長制度。強勢市長制度雖賦予市長較大的法定權力,市長法定的權力有時也要視府際關係是否能給予更多的權力或是經費而定。市長政績的好壞,仍需視府際關係、市長與企業菁英、社會菁英互動而定,和現實環境而定。 美國幅員廣大,都市治理方式因地而異。本文以底特律黑人市長柯爾曼.揚作為個案的研究。治理聯盟主要是以市長為中心,市長獲得法定權力後,與都市內的企業菁英建立聯盟。對於市長而言,可以鞏固個人的政治勢力。底特律市在1970年代,逐漸面臨逆都市化的挑戰,雖然底特律市政府雖有心轉型成以銀行業為主的的產業,但是底特律市並非聯邦政府銀行重要據點,因此失敗。另一方面,底特律市重要經濟命脈被三大汽車公司(福特、通用、克萊斯勒汽車)所控制;美國汽車工人協會又以工資問題緊勒住三大汽車公司的命脈。因此,柯爾曼.揚市長不得不遵循三大汽車公司(福特、通用、克萊斯勒汽車)建設方針。 然而,任何政策或措施的施行總有一體兩面。雖然,治理聯盟經由談判、利益衝突、到利益交換等過程之後,市長能夠牢牢掌控底特律市區,擺平市區內政治、社會、企業菁英的衝突,彌補黑人先天在政治地位的弱勢。一但市政府無法獲得充足的行政資源,治理聯盟就有土崩瓦解的可能。在1993年,柯爾曼.揚市長在底特律市主要企業菁英、白人、部分黑人菁英不支持下,放棄角逐底特律市長連任的選舉。


In the United States ,City Governments are considered as primary administrative units, and most of the cities have adopt strong mayor system. Although Strong Mayor System offer mayor much power ,mayor obtain much power variables depend on intergovernmental relationship ,real condition or budget condition. Also ,Mayor’s Performance is interactive with political elite, business elite, social elite. The Studies objection stress on Detroit Mayor Coleman Young. Governing coalition is Strength from Mayor. After Mayor obtain Legitimate power ,Mayor may build governing coalition ,and solidify Mayor’s power .Since 1970s ,Detroit is suffered from counterurbanization trends , Mayor Coleman Young fail to transform Detroit Economy Structure, because Ford ,General Mortors, Chrysler Company are dominate Detroit Political Economy Structure. Furthermore, United Auto Worker Union is dominate Ford ,General Mortors, Chrysler Company structure. Therefore, Mayor Coleman Young must follow Ford ,General Mortors, Chrysler Company’s direction. Although governing coalition has experienced interests conflict, exchange benefits , negotiate benefits …,and so on. Mayor Coleman Young may dominate political, social, business elite through governing coalition. Once Detroit City Government lost abundance budget , governing coalition ,governing coalition had gradually dissolve . In 1993, Mayor Coleman Young gave up reelection.


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