  • 學位論文


The business strategy of Taiwan tea store-a case study of T store

指導教授 : 林江峰


台灣的茶葉產業面對著市場開放,所帶來他國低價成本的競爭,政府無法再以關稅政策保護國內茶葉產業。然而隨著世界自由貿易全球化競爭日益劇烈,,使得原本經濟體規模不大的國內經濟亦必隨著國際經濟局勢而產生脈動。 受到國際市場變化的因素影響下,台灣茶葉市場開始由外銷轉為內銷為主的形態,產業結構產生了鉅大的變動,使得個體戶躍居為國內茶葉生產的主流。政府茶業政策的目標是在改善農民經濟收益以及提高茶葉內銷的附加價值,因此捨棄了工業化的茶業發展方向,在產業分工體系結構的同時,也失去了出口導向的產業形態。反倒是富裕的台灣社會相當程度的支撐了茶葉的國內銷售,大量的廉價茶進而打擊國內低價茶的生產。雖說台灣茶葉產業發展迄今已有百餘年的歷史,並歷經了多次的時代變遷, 台灣茶葉的品質一直不是進口的廉價茶可替代的,但台灣茶葉的銷售並非可以永遠歷久不衰,國際經貿與國內需求的變動,將有可能讓台灣茶葉的產銷面對嚴峻形勢的試煉。 全球現今約有 95%的貿易在 WTO 規範下進行,範圍由傳統貨品擴展至農產品等。台灣於 2002 年正式成為世界貿易組織的員,2011 年 1 月 1 日與大陸簽署的 ECFA 也正式實施,相對於台灣茶農造成一定程度的衝擊。再加上日漸要求效率講求快速的環境之下,要如何滿足消費者的需求,讓消費者產生信賴感,都是值得探討之議題。 故在本研究之中會藉由深度訪談T茶行以了解該經營策略之概況,之後在根據該茶行既有的經營策略不足之處,提出相關建議,藉以幫助該茶行在競爭的環境之下能有更好的發展。並以此為例對台灣茶葉產業未來提供經營策略及方向之建議。


茶葉 經營策略 成功因素


The Taiwanese tea leaf industry encounters the low-price competition from other countries, because of open markets. The government cannot protect its domestic industry by implementing the tariff policy. The globalization of free trades causes the domestic economy with a small scale to inevitably fluctuate with the international economy. Due to mutable international markets, the tea leaf industry in Taiwan starts to transform export-focus into the focus of domestic demands. The sole traders become the mainstream of producing tea leaves in the country. The tea policy aims to increase farmers’ economic revenues and multiply the added value of selling tea leaves domestically. The development of industrialized tea industry is abandoned, and the industry is not export-oriented any longer, ergo. However, it is the rich Taiwanese society that bolsters the domestic sales. Voluminous cheap tea leaves give a strike to production of domestic cheap tea leaves. The industry in Taiwan has existed for more than one hundred years and undergone many shifts. The quality of imported cheap tea leaves cannot be substituted for Taiwanese tea leaves. Nonetheless, both the international economy and trades and varying domestic demands possibly leave the Taiwanese tea leaf industry in a hardship. 95 percent of trades, ranging from traditional goods to agriculture products from around the globe are under regulations of WTO. Taiwan officially became one of the members in WTO in 2002. Also, ECFA officially took effect on January 1, 2011. Taiwanese tea farmers bear considerable impacts. To be consistent with efficiency and acceleration, the hot issue is to understand how to satisfy consumers. The research adopted the in-depth interview with T to realize the outlook of T’s operational strategy. The study aims to help T develop well by providing suggestions, based on the drawbacks of the strategy. On the foundation of the case, the study expects to offer suggestions for future development of Taiwanese tea leaf industry.


Tea Business Strategy Success Factors


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