  • 學位論文


Business Model Analysis of the Transnational Entry of 3C Product Online Retailers into China- A Case Study of Newegg China.

指導教授 : 蔡政言


科技日益更新,從我們生活周遭生活用品的變化與進步,便可得知,像是電腦、手機等消費性電子產品,已儼然成為大部分現代人不可或缺的生活工具。當這些消費性電子產品不斷的推陳出新,就造成眾多消費者的排隊搶購,而中國的龐大消費市場,更是不容小覷。3C產品在中國的驚人消費力,致使許多廠商紛紛投入中國的資訊與消費性電子產品市場。 本研究係以外商公司3C產品零售網站跨國進入中國市場為研究對象,探討3C產品網站於中國的經營型態及其目前發展狀況,並整合經營模式相關文獻與參考3C產品網站之特性,發展出3C產品零售網站跨國進入中國市場之經營模式,再以個案訪談方式進行實證分析,提出結論與建議。研究結果期以提供3C產品網站業者更深入瞭解網站跨國進入中國市場經營管理的內涵,以對現有的資源做更有效的運用。 本研究結果發現: 1.產品面:3C產品網站行銷手法較實體通路多元,且中國3C零售網站逐漸由單一型態購物網站逐漸走向綜合型態購物網站。 2.顧客端:討論區的設置,可提升顧客對網站的信賴度。另外,網站銷售地區與客群遠比實體通路寬廣。 3.基礎建設管理:提供消費者無風險購物環境是網站必備條件;而網站娛樂性成為未來經營管理之趨勢;且夥伴關係之建立有助於商流、金流與物流服務。 4.財務面:3C產品零售網站進入中國市場,其投入價格成本及通路成本是必要的,如此才能維持顧客忠誠度。


Advancing technology can be proved by the daily commodities, including computers and mobiles, surrounding us. They indeed result in a craze, as far as customers are concerned. The consuming market of China has plenty of potential. Many Chinese purchase 3C products, which motivates many firms intend to participate in China’s consumer electronics market. This study focuses on Chinese internet retailing 3C product stores, analyzing the business model and current development. This research reviewed some related literatures on business models and characteristics of online 3C product stores for developing the business model of Internet- retailing 3C product stores. Afterwards, through the case interviews, this study does the substantive analysis and develops the propositions. The result leads Internet- retailing 3C product stores to having more ideas relevant to website management and effectively utilizing resources at hand. The findings are as follows: 1.Product: The marketing technique of 3C product websites is more diverse than the one of the brick-and-mortar. As a single-type shopping website, Chinese retailing websites for 3C products get to be transformed into a complex-type. 2.Customer interface: The establishment of discussion can increase the customer’s reliability on websites. Besides, websites have broader access to customers than the brick-and-mortar. 3.Infrastructure management: Providing customers with risk-free shopping environments is a requirement. Network entertainment is a trend for future management. 4.Financial aspects: The input costs and channel costs indispensable, so that the customer loyalty can be retained.


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