  • 學位論文

專業護理英語會話教科書中語言行為之研究: 教科書分析與教師訪談調查

An Investigation of Speech Acts for Nursing English: Textbooks Analysis and Teacher Perceptions

指導教授 : 王藹玲
共同指導教授 : 林怡弟


長期以來,護理英語教學大部分以閱讀艱深的文章為主,忽略了護士在臨床時與病人或家屬溝通的日常會話用語,也導致護理學生在使用言語行為時表達能力的缺乏。然而,對於外語學習者而言,英語教科書是主要的學習來源之一。因此,本研究選擇六本護理會話教科書,針對要求與建議的語言行為在護理英語會話教科書中進行分析。目的在了解要求與建議語言行為在教科書上的呈現分布與方式,是否有助於技職護理學生了解語言行為在醫院環境的用法。同時,對擔任護理英語會話教學的老師進行訪談調查,了解英語老師對於語言行為在護理會話教科書中的呈現與語言行為教學上的看法。研究結果發現,在護理英語會話教科書裡,要求語言行為使用極少的external modifier;然而,建議言語行為使用比較多的external modifier,以說服病人接受建議。最後,教師對於語言行為教學,持保留的態度,因此。本研究建議言語行為策略需要適當地整合在護理英語會話教學中,將有助於學生對護士工作環境中,語言行為表達用有有實際了解。


語言行為 護士英語 教科書


For many years, nursing English instruction have mainly focused on studying research papers, and paid little attention on the clinical English related conversations, which were used by nursing staffs to communicate with patients or their relatives. However, especially for EFL learners, English textbooks are regarded as one of the important sources for language inputs. Therefore, the present study aims to investigate the distribution and presentation of requests and suggestions in Nursing English textbooks whether they were appropriated. Would it benefit nursing students to learn about implement of speech acts in hospital contexts. Conducting teacher surveys could help to understand that teachers’ perception towards textbooks and teaching speech acts as well. Based on the findings, requests in textbooks seldom came with external modifiers, while suggestions were used more external modifiers. Finally, teacher kept their judgments on the instruction of speech acts. Finally, the researcher would recommend that teaching speech acts should integrated into nursing English for clinical related conversational courses, which may help students learn to communicate appropriately in English at hospital.


Speech act Nursing English Textbook


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