  • 學位論文


The influence of quality of service on customer satisfaction - a case study on Sanchong District Farmers Association of New Taipei City

指導教授 : 曾義明


面對現在的環境,農業不但必須面對農產品市場開放和自由競爭,亦應檢討並重視其本身所具有的品牌效應所帶來的金融性商品服務之效益,讓農會保持相當的競爭力。而服務品質的提升,可為企業帶來明顯的區隔和差異化,同時也能夠提高顧客的滿意度,進而促使顧客的忠誠度做出提升,達到利潤極大化的目的。以往國內學者對於銀行服務品質的研究,並未著重於農會顧客對於農會的服務品質與顧客滿意度之相關性。 因此,本研究以臺灣地區「新北市三重區農會」為對象,從實務觀點瞭解農會服務品質與顧客滿意度之現況,藉由問卷結果分析,闡明農會服務品質對顧客滿意度之影響。本研究結果顯示,農會的服務品質5個面項:「有形性」、「可靠性」、「回應性」、「確實性」、以及「關懷性」確實是與農會顧客滿意度具有正向的影響,顯示當農會提供越優質的服務品質時,不僅獲得顧客的認同,同時也促使其滿意度大為提升。由上述這些結論可知,不同背景研究對象在服務品質的「有形性」、「可靠性」、「回應性」、「確實性」、「關懷性」、以及「整體服務品質」方面,都呈現認同現象,因而促使農會顧客的滿意度也有相當正面的反應。就整體服務品質的認同情況來說,這些數據顯示不同背景的研究對象對於農會的服務品質層面皆有普遍認知,同時也認同農會所呈現出來的服務品質。另一方面,農會的服務品質有助於提升農會顧客的滿意度,此二者可以說是相輔相成,缺一不可。 最後根據研究結論,本研究提出實務建議,希望能提供予後續「農會服務品質與滿意度」相關議題研究之參考。


農會 服務品質 滿意度


In the reality of this current social environment, agricultural businesses must encounter not only the capitalistic behavior that market has been becoming into but also the competitive pressure. Accumulating study reveals that the enhancement of service quality has brought significant differences and segmentations for the corporations, also improved customers’ satisfaction, thereby promoting their loyalty to achieve the purpose of profit maximization. Accordingly, it is important to investigate the relationship between the service quality and customers’ satisfaction for Farmer Association. This research focuses on the New Taipei City Farmer Association San Chong Branch as the research target, from observational perspective. Utilizing the survey questionnaire, we can acknowledge customers’ satisfaction on the service quality provided by the San Chong Branch.   This research shows that service quality is consisted of five characteristics: tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. All of which suggests positive effects on customers’ satisfaction. This implies that when the farmer association provided exceptional service quality, the customers acknowledge and shows gratification. In addition, the yielding result is applicable to all research participants who have different background and perception, revealing the same positive effects on the in-depth explanatory of service quality. On the other hand, the service, achieving high responsiveness and helpfulness, of farmer association asserts in significance to customers’ satisfaction as the complement. Lastly, the result suggests “farmer association’s service quality” as a topic to consider for any further researches.


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