  • 學位論文


The Impact of Technology Acceptance on Taipei High Volume MRT User’s Satisfaction-the User Attitude as the Mediator

指導教授 : 洪英正
共同指導教授 : 張雍昇(Yong-Sheng Chang)


大臺北地區居民天天搭乘捷運,與捷運已密不可分,在信義線通車再增加新轉乘站的同時,多元化的轉乘造就了臺北捷運日運量破近184萬人次,也促使捷運輕革命啟動,並開始帶動臺北一小時生活圈新生活(臺北網網頁,2014),在使用者與日遽增,特別是使用量最頻繁,轉乘最多元的高運量系統,使用者在運用此捷運系統科技設備的過程中,是否仍有諸多與使用科技設備使用相關的問題可去探討,這又與使用者的滿意度有何關聯?深信是值得探討和研究的議題與時機。本研究探討科技接受認知對臺北高運量捷運使用者滿意度之影響-以使用態度為中介變項,以及不同的人口統計變項在各個變項間的差異性。 本研究目的在於應用科技接受模式Davis (1989)、Agarwal and Prasad(1999)等人的觀點指出在認知上的有用性與易用性皆對於使用態度有正向顯著影響。Adams, Nelson and Todd(1992)等人的觀點指出「認知易用性」與「認知有用性」在使用者實際使用行為後,對系統「滿意度」會造成之影響。 本研究中以實際有搭乘過臺北高運量捷運之顧客為研究對象,採用便利抽樣方式,以網路問卷方式進行資料蒐集,共回收250份有效問卷。使用統計軟體SPSS19.0版進行資料分析,驗證各項假設發現:1.臺北高運量捷運使用者認知易用性對認知有用性有顯著正向影響。2.臺北高運量捷運使用者科技接受認知對使用態度有顯著正向影響。3.臺北高運量捷運使用者使用態度對顧客滿意度有顯著正向影響。4.臺北高運量捷運使用者科技接受認知對顧客滿意度有顯著正向影響。5.臺北高運量捷運使用者之使用態度在科技接受認知/認知有用性/認知易用性對顧客滿意度影響上具有顯著部份中介效果。6.不同的人口統計變項在在科技接受認知、使用態度、顧客滿意度上有顯著差異。本研究獲得上述研究假設1~5成立;假設6部份成立。 最後,本研究結論建議臺北高運量捷運在服務上,應當優先考慮使用者的「認知易用性」,再具體擬訂滿足顧客真正需求的使用態度偏好策略,進而達成符合臺北高運量捷運「顧客至上,品質第一」經營理念之顧客滿意度升級目標。


Most of the Taipei people taking MRT every day and are connected with MRT very closely and inseparable. After the Xinyi line provides service increase the number of new transfer stations. Diversified interchange makes Taipei MRT transport volume exceeded 1.8 million passenger trips a day, also motivates the MRT light Revolution to start. By the starting of light revolution began to drive an hour living circle in Taipei. (Please refer to Taipei net.com, 2014) While the users increasing, especially the using behaviors are more and more frequent, and transfering with the most high-volume system, , whether there are still a great deal of the problems associated with the use of technological equipment in utilizing the process of MRT technology should be discussed? And what is the influence on satisfaction of user by technology acceptance? So deeply we believed this subject is worthy studying and researching, and this is the right time. This study is related to the impact of technology acceptance on Taipei high volume MRT user’s satisfaction-the user attitude as the mediator. And this study also investigates the differences on variables by different demographic variables. The purpose of this study is to apply the technology acceptance model( Davis,1989; Agarwal and Prasad,1999)and others to point out in the "perceived usefulness"(PU) and" perceived ease of use"(PEU)have a positive and significant effect on users’ attitude. And Adams, Nelson, and Todd(1992)point out that the "perceived usefulness" and "perceived ease of use " would cause effects on "satisfaction" after users using the System. In this study the subjects are the customers who actually have taken the high volume MRT users in Taipei. By convenience sampling, online survey to collection data, finally we collected 250 valid questionnaires. Using statistical software SPSS19.0 to analyze data to verify the hypotheses, and we found: 1. The high volume MRT user's perceived ease of use have a significantly positive effect on his perceived usefulness. 2. The high volume MRT user's cognition of technology accepts has a significant and positive impact on his attitude. 3. The high volume MRT user’s using attitude has a significant positive impact on his customer satisfaction. 4. The high volume MRT user’s cognition of technology accepts has a significant positive impact on his customer satisfaction. 5. The high volume MRT user’s attitude has a significantly partial mediating effects on the influence of cognition of technology, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use on customer satisfaction.. 6. There are significant differences on acceptance of cognition, attitudes and customer satisfaction by different demographic variables of the high volume MRT user. The hypotheses of1~5 are supported. The hypothis6 is partial supported. Finally, the conclusion of this study recommended that on high volume transit service in Taipei MRT, the first priority should be considered is user's "perceived ease of use ", and developing specific plan and strategies to meet the preference of customers’ needs. And then the purposes of Taipei MRT "customer first, quality first" may be matched and promoting the customers’ satisfaction.


汪正中(2002)。高雄縣小學生使用「LOXA 教育網」之現況與滿意 度調查研究。國立高雄師範大學工業科技教育學系研究所碩士學


