  • 學位論文


Cambodia and China under Hun Sen Regime (1997-2013)

指導教授 : 陳鴻瑜


柬埔寨長久以來不斷經歷隔鄰的越南和泰國入侵與國內派系鬥爭,使國家一直處於混亂和動盪,自1991年10月,由柬埔寨施亞努、宋山、喬森潘、洪森四個派系組成「全國最高委員會」與美、中、越南、東協等18個國家在法國巴黎共同簽署《柬埔寨衝突全面政治解決協定》,柬埔寨終於結束內戰。1993年柬埔寨經由聯合國監督之下,成立柬埔寨王國,由雷納里德和洪森共同組成聯合政府,直到1997年洪森發動政變,推翻第一總理雷納里德,1998年再度舉行第二屆國會大選,洪森順利上台執政,其所領導的人民黨與奉辛比克黨共同組成聯合政府執政,其後,柬埔寨進入穩定發展。 柬、中兩國同為亞洲國家,長久以來維持友好關係。柬埔寨擺脫法國統治而於1953年獨立,但並未立即與中國建交。雙方在1958年建交,以後一直保持友好關係,直至1970年施亞努被推翻後,柬、中才中斷關係。在聯合國扶植下,柬埔寨在1993年重獲獨立地位。洪森在1997年發動政變,掌握政權,外交路線親中,把兩國關係推到「最佳狀態」。本論文以洪森執政時期之柬、中關係為主,藉由重建歷史脈絡分析影響雙方交往的各項因素,並探討在國際或區域環境因素下,柬、中關係之特質。 洪森執政期間,柬、中兩國除了經貿往來以外,在國際政治和區域政治問題上,亦有相互支持之關係,尤其在越南和菲律賓針對的南海問題,柬埔寨奉行「中立政策」,保持其中立立場。柬埔寨在印支半島上的緩衝地位,將使其和中國繼續維持友好關係,即使美國有意拉攏柬國,亦很難改變其緩衝國之地位。


柬埔寨 中國 巴黎和約 施亞努 聯合國


Cambodia has a long history of the invasion of Vietnam and Thailand. She also suffered from struggle of factions, leading to chaos and turmoil. In October 1991, four factions, including Norodom Sihanouk, Son Sann, Khieu Samphan, Hun Sen, formed a "supreme national council" of Cambodia. The representatives of United States, China, Vietnam, Democratic Kampuchea, People’s Republic of Kampuchea and ASEAN countries signed the "Agreement on a Comprehensive Political Settlement of the Cambodia Conflict" in Paris which results in the end of the civil war. Under the UN supervision, the Kingdom of Cambodia was to be established in 1993. Norodom Ranariddh and Hun Sen were together to form a coalition government. But Hun Sen launched a coup to expel away the first Prime Minister Norodom Ranariddh in 1997. Hun Sen won the 1998 election and organized a coalition government as prime minister. Cambodia and China both are Asian countries, has long maintained friendly relations. Cambodia turned over the French rule and got independence in 1953. But she did not immediately establish diplomatic relations with China until 1958. Since then both two counties maintained friendly relationship. Sihanouk was overthrown from his kingship in 1970. Simultaneously Cambodia cut off the relations with China. Under the support of UN, Cambodia regained her independent status in 1993. Hun Sen adopted the pro-China diplomatic route, to push bilateral relations to "the best condition." This thesis focuses on the relationship of Cambodia and China during the reign of Hun Sen. It is going to analyze the factors which would affect the relations between Cambodia and China in the context of history. It is also want to explore the nature of those bilateral relations and those factors from international or regional environmental perspectives. Under Hun Sen's rule, except the trade between Cambodia and China, in the field of international political and regional political issues, they have the relationship of mutual support. Especially in the South China Sea issue involving Vietnam and the Philippines, Cambodia pursues a "policy of neutrality". For Cambodia keeping up the buffer position in the Indo-Chinese peninsula, she and China shall enable to maintain friendly relations. Even if the United States intends to draw Cambodia to her side, it is difficult to change the status of its buffer state.


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