  • 學位論文


The Impact of Volunteers' Participation Motivation and Well-being on Enduring Involvement - Using Spiritual Wellness as the Moderator

指導教授 : 洪英正
共同指導教授 : 張雍昇(Yung-Sheng Chang)


台灣隨著經濟、生活的改善及社會文明度的成熟,愈來愈多人投入志願服務行列,表彰了民眾關心社會並採取實際行動尋求改善及緩和社會問題的決心與能力;惟依目前志願服務所面臨的困境之一,乃以人員汰換率過高和流動率過快的問題最為嚴重,導致難以維持志工持續涉入服務工作之動力,而「持續涉入」係來自個人內在之因素,是指個人對事或對物的持久性關切(Houston & Rothchild, 1978);故本研究針對慈濟志工參與動機、幸福感對其持續涉入之影響,並以靈性安適作為調節變項進行研究。 本研究透過便利抽樣方式針對慈濟志工進行抽樣,並以紙本方式發放220份問卷,回收208份,回收率為94.55%,剔除無效問卷共有8份,實際有效問卷為200份,有效問卷回收率為90.91%,藉由敘述性統計分析、信度分析、因素分析、T檢定、變異數分析、迴歸分析及階層迴歸分析等方法進行資料分析,研究結果如下: 一、志工參與動機對幸福感有顯著正向影響。 二、志工參與動機對持續涉入有顯著正向影響。 三、志工的幸福感對其持續涉入有顯著正向影響。 四、幸福感在志工參與動機對其持續涉入之行為,有部份顯著中介效果。 五、靈性安適在幸福感對其持續涉入的影響上,有顯著調節作用。 六、部份人口統計變項在志工參與動機、幸福感、持續涉入及靈性安適有顯著差異。 由研究結果得知,增強並實現志工參與動機、增進幸福感,皆能促使志工持續涉入志願服務,且透過靈性安適之提升,更能使其持續發揮志願服工作之熱忱與效益。


Followed by Taiwan’s economic, living improvement and the maturity of social civilization, more and more people input themselves into the field of volunteer service. It symbolizes that people care about the society and show great determination and competence by adopting practical activities to seek the solution of improving and alleviating social problem. Currently the worst difficulty volunteer service faces is high mortality rate and quick circulation of the people, which makes it hard to support volunteers in continual service. The cause of enduring involvement comes from individual inside quality which will sustain attention to somebody or something else(Houston & Rothchild, 1978). This research is aiming the impact of volunteers' participation motivation and well-being on enduring involvement - using spiritual wellness as the moderator. This research aims at Tzuchi’s volunteer and using the way of convenient sampling method. By using paper-form to issue out 220 questionnaires and collected back 208 copies with the collective rate of 94.55%.Skimming ineffective questionnaires 8 copies, effective questionnaires are 200 copies, keeping practical collective rate at 90.91%. With methods of descriptive statistical analysis, reliability analysis, t-test, ANOVA, regression analysis and hierarchical regression analysis, the results are as follows: 1. Volunteers' participation motivation has a significantly positive impact on the well-being. 2. Volunteers' participation motivation has a significantly positive impact on enduring involvement. 3. Volunteers' well-being has a significantly positive impact on enduring involvement. 4. Well-being of volunteer s has a partial significantly mediating effect on the cause-effect between volunteers’ participating motivation and enduring involvement. 5. Spiritual Wellness has the significantly moderating effect on the cause-effect between volunteers’ well-being and enduring involvement. 6. There are some significant differences on volunteers' participation motivation, well-being, enduring involvement and spiritual wellness by different volunteers’ demographics. From the study, enhancing volunteer participating motive and increasing the well-being expedite people’s continual volunteer service, and by the exaltation of spiritual wellness, which can further develop volunteer’s working enthusiasm and effectiveness.


卓妙如(2002)。兒童及青少年靈性需求評估.護理雜誌。49 (3),30-32。
