  • 學位論文


Using Balance Theory to Investigate Promotion Strategy of Private Coffee Shops

指導教授 : 張瑋倫


近年來國內在喝咖啡人口大幅提升後,帶動咖啡廳的發展,包括連鎖咖啡廳與區域咖啡廳。區域咖啡廳雖然無法以品牌知名度與品牌優勢吸引消費者,但仍然有些獨具特色的區域咖啡廳藉由口碑的報導打響知名度,成功建立屬於自己的品牌。本研究以舉辦各式促銷活動的區域咖啡廳為主題,探討區域咖啡廳之口碑推薦與咖啡廳促銷活動如何影響消費者之消費決策,以增加咖啡廳消費者消費意願為目的。   本研究以平衡理論為主要研究架構,將消費者、咖啡廳、口碑分別代表平衡理論中三角形的三邊,將三者間的單向關係做結合。並採取個案研究法,除了文獻探討與資料收集外,實地走訪位於大直的穆勒咖啡廳進行現場觀察,了解咖啡廳之營運狀況,且訪談店長與咖啡廳消費者,試圖從不同的角度得到結論。在咖啡廳內隨機選取消費者,總共成功訪談11位消費者,最後將訪談的結論歸納並與平衡理論結合,得到研究問題的解答。   當消費者對口碑、消費者對咖啡廳、口碑對咖啡廳皆為正向態度的情況下,為平衡理論中三角形三邊皆呈現正號的情形,咖啡廳最佳的狀態,得到之結論如下1.口碑能增加區域咖啡廳之曝光度與品牌知名度2.品牌形象為消費者選擇咖啡廳之主因3.適度的促銷活動將能增加區域咖啡廳消費者之消費意願。   經由上述的研究發現,口碑推薦能讓消費者對咖啡廳產生好奇與興趣,增加消費者的消費動機,且促銷活動的舉辦,為咖啡廳的催化劑,有助於咖啡廳氣氛的提升,並打造自身獨特的品牌形象,讓消費者在消費之餘能多一種選擇,成功吸引消費者前來咖啡廳,達成消費者消費意願增加的目的。


Owing to increasing number of coffee shops in Taiwan, including chain coffee shops and local coffee shops, the market has become mature and competitive. Some unique coffee shops become famous by word of mouth and create their own brand successfully. This research investigates the unique coffee shop with a variety of promotion activities. The purposes of the research are how word of mouth and promotion activities of coffee shop influence consumer decision, and increase purchasing intention. This research used balance theory, as the basis in terms of consumer, coffee shop, and word of mouth in the triangle. This research also used case study method to analyze based on, literature and interview. In addition, the researcher interviewed coffee shop owner and consumers, by obtaining different viewpoints.We randomly selected consumers in the coffee shop, interviewed 11 consumers totally. Finally, we combined the result and balance theory, doe analysis and attempted to answer the proposed research questions. When positive links exist among consumer to word of mouth, consumer to coffee shop, and word of mouth to coffee shop, meaning the best result for the coffee shop. The finding can be synthesized as follows: (1) word of mouth can increase local coffee shop brand awareness (2) brand image is the main reason when consumer choose coffee shop, and (3) adequate promotion activities can increase consumer buying intention. To sum up, using appropriate word of mouth and promotion activities can create local coffee shop brand image, stimulate consumer attention, and increase consumer purchasing intention efficiently.


balance theory brand image word of mouth


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