  • 學位論文


Firm’s Altruistic Decisions and Industry Equilibrium

指導教授 : 鄭東光


行為經濟學探討「利他」的文獻雖多,但多以實驗觀察或個人決策的分析模型為主。近年來日益受到重視的「企業社會責任」(CSR)的概念,可以視為廣義的廠商「利他」行為;但相關的探討也極少以正式的經濟模型進行理論分析。本文利用「公益財」與「消費者剩餘」這兩個概念,來界定並區分廠商的利他類型(手段利他或目的利他),並以靜態及動態的雙佔市場競爭,來分析各種廠商類型搭配下的均衡結果。本研究所獲致基本結論是: (1) 「利他」,原則上有助於提高廠商的均衡市佔率。(2) 從市場競爭的角度看,「利他」也不必然是市場競爭的毒藥;在相關條件(參數值)的配合下,「利他型」廠商的均衡利潤高過傳統「自利型」廠商的均衡利潤。


In behavioral economics, altruism is usually investigated by experiments or individual choice models. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) referring to firm’s altruistic behavior receives high attention recently; nevertheless, it is seldom studied by formal economic models. In this paper, we use goods of public welfare and consumer’s surplus to differentiate firm’s altruism in itself from firm’s altruism as a means. Under a duopoly model of static game and dynamic game, combining different types of firms, our equilibrium analyses show: (1) altruism is generally good for raising firm’s market share. (2) Form the perspective of market competition, altruism is not necessarily a bad. Some numerical examples in our study illustrate that profits of firms with altruism are higher than profits of firms of self-interested.


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