  • 學位論文


A Study on Impulse Buying Behavior with the Influence of Sales Promotion in Hypermarkets.

指導教授 : 黃志文


量販店產業的競爭力就在於商品促銷活動、賣場的服務品質,符合消費者既省錢又舒適的購物需求。而業者也推出價格及非價格促銷策略,來刺激消費者增加其購買行為。 本研究主要探討的是消費者因不同的促銷方式對衝動性購買行為影響,以及在衝動特質為干擾下,促銷方式對衝動性購買的影響。透過問卷調查,以一般消費大眾為對象,進行問卷調查,總計訪問380位民眾,以問卷調查方式進行並採用SPSS18.0以信度分析、描述性統計分析、變異數分析、獨立樣本t檢定等統計方分法作分析,研究結果顯示如下: 一、 消費者對促銷方式、涉入程度會因「性別」有所不同。 二、 消費者對衝動性特質知覺程度會因「性別」及「年齡」有所不同。 三、 消費者對衝動性購買行為感受會因「性別」及「家庭月所得」有所不同。 四、 促銷活動、涉入程度、衝動性消費者特質等構面與衝動性購買行為具正向顯著影響。


The competitiveness of hypermarkets in Taiwan lies on promotion activities and service quality, saving money and providing comfortable shopping environment for consumers. The hypermarkets have also introduced price and non-price promotion strategies to stimulate consumer buying behavior. This study analyzes how consumers’ buying behavior responds to impulsive promotion, as well as how promotions influence impulse buying behavior and vice versa. Through the questionnaires, we chose the generic consumers as a research which 380 samples were collected. By using descriptive statistic analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation analysis. The findings of this study are as follows: 1. The extent of consumers responding to promotion would be decided by gender. 2. The consumers degree of perceived impulsivity trait are differed by "gender" and "age" 3. The impulse o buying behavior of customers are differed by "sex" and "household monthly income". 4. Promotion activities, involvement and consumer impulse buying behavior have positive influence on impulse behavior.


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