  • 學位論文

台灣地區家電產業競爭力研究 -以大同股份有限公司為例

The Case Study of The Competitiveness On Appliances Manufacturer In Taiwan---An Exploratory Study of Tatung Corporation

指導教授 : 黃志文


台灣家電產業已是相當成熟的產業,家電相關產品之市場普及率高達九成以上,惟隨著台灣生產成本逐漸提高,加上台灣於2002年加入WTO後,國際知名家電品牌商品大舉侵蝕台灣本土廠商之市場占有率,使本土品牌近年營運狀況普遍不佳,加上生育率的持續降低,使得台灣家電市場規模之未來成長性受到嚴重考驗﹔家電業者要如何在這變化劇烈之競爭環境中,運用策略來突破困境並得到應有之利潤,創造屬於企業自有之藍海,並使企業能夠永續經營,此乃家電業經營者不斷深思之課題。 為深入討論台灣家電廠之經營現況,本研究係以台灣家電業最具代表性之企業-大同股份有限公司為研究對象,藉由SWOT及競爭力五力分析..等多項策略分析,提出未來家電產業之經營策略,在現在台灣家電市場趨近飽和之狀態下,期能提供台灣家電廠商不同之思考方向,充實企業之成長動能。


Abstract: The industry of home appliances has become a well-developed industry in Taiwan. Most of the popularity rate of the market that promotes home appliances exceeds to an amount of more than 90%. With an increasing amount of the production cost, the local brands report a bad record on its operating performance in recent years after a large amount of world-famous home appliance brands enter into the local market since Taiwan join in WTO in 2002. In addition, the birth rate continues to drop. As a result, the scale of home appliance market in Taiwan will face great challenges in the future to deal with its business growth problem. It has become an issue to think twice for those who run a home appliance business. How to make use of business strategy to break through obstacles in such a competitive changing business environment has become a question for the dealer who runs a business in home appliance to get what it needs by making profits and create a marketplace through blue ocean strategy. The enterprise can then survive through sustainable operation. To explore more about the operating status of home appliance manufacturer in Taiwan, this research based on the most famous home appliance business, Tatung Co., in Taiwan to represent the subject of this research. This research adopted SWOT analysis and Porter 5 Force Analysis and other strategy analysis. The aim of this research is to propose a business strategy for home appliance business in future. Hopefully, this research can provide a different of thinking to home appliance businesses in Taiwan while the marketplace of home appliance in Taiwan has almost been packed with brands. This may be a chance to motivate business growth in home appliance industry.


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