  • 學位論文


Translation and Commentary of Georges Perec’s “L’infra-ordinaire”

指導教授 : 何金蘭


喬治.培瑞克(Georges Perec)為法國二十世紀文學代表作家,亦是享譽盛名的文學團體「烏力波潛能文學工坊(Oulipo)」的重要成員之一。然而,令人深感惋惜的是,其中文譯作目前仍舊寥若晨星。由於培瑞克迷戀於文字遊戲,窮盡其短暫璀璨的一生挑戰在多樣限制之下進行創作,作品風格卻意外多變豐富,主題常圍繞在對城市空間的探索和童年回憶兩大部分。培瑞克的一些作品在如此嚴苛的條件下被創作出來,例如整本小說刻意避開字母E來書寫,若譯成非歐美語系的中文之後,原文所富含的趣味性便容易流失掉,也成了其作品難以被譯成中文的原因之一。本論文以培瑞克生後所出版的短篇集《日常下》一書為研究主體,擷選其中能凸顯出培瑞克個人特色的幾篇文章譯成中文,接著,也試圖根據一些知名翻譯理論及方法,配合此短篇集文本,進行解決筆者在翻譯過程中所遭遇的諸多困境。筆者願盡自己一份微薄之力,藉此論文為契機,冀望能提高培瑞克在台灣的能見度。 本論文共分三大部分:第一部分,筆者首先在第一章《作者生平與作品》介紹喬治•培瑞克的生平及其作品主要風格,並加以說明本論文研究之文本-培瑞克《日常下》一書,針對各篇做介紹與相關分析。第二章從《日常下》一書擷選文章做中法翻譯。第三章則舉出在翻譯本書過程中所遇到的問題實例,如:外國地名與食物的翻譯方式、句子之間的接續方式、對應文化背景差異的翻譯。綜合上述所言,本論文預期成果如下: (一)彙整翻譯相關理論和培瑞克的生平介紹,嘗試藉由知名理論原則及作者背景資料兩大方面,解決翻譯上遇到的諸多困難。 (二)了解並分析喬治•培瑞克在《日常下》一書所使用的寫作技巧。


Georges Perec is a representative french writer of 20st century, he had occupied an important place in the well-known literary group named Oulipo as well. However, it is regrettable that there are still few Perec’s works which are translated in Chinese now. Perec had obsessed with constrained writing technique all his life. In spite of tough constrained writing, his literary style is rich and various. Urban space exploration and childhood memory formed the essential theme of Perec’s works. This thesis is mainly composed of three parts: In chapter 1, we are firstly going to introduce all life of the author and analyse “L’infra-ordinaire”.   In the second part, we translate “L’infra-ordinaire” from French into Chinese. By translating some characteristic articles selected from “L’infra-ordinaire”, we attempt to combine the theory with practice in this thesis. We find that some famous translation methods and techniques are useful for solving some problems in the process of translation indeed.   In the end, we focus on discussing difficulties in the process of translation and offer plenty of examples for reference.To sum up, the purpose of this research are: Solving problems occurred in the process of translation by many famous methods and the biography of author. Realizing and analyzing writing techniques used by Perec in “L’infra-ordinaire”.


Georges Perec Oulipo life commonplace wordplay constrained writing


許綺玲,〈城市物/語遁走曲:培瑞克的《逃家地點》〉,《中外文學》第三十四卷第九期,2006年2月,頁 183-212。
Alison Sian James, Constraining Chance: Georges Perec and the Oulipo,2009
