  • 學位論文


A Study on EU and ITER

指導教授 : 郭秋慶


二十一世紀中人類所面對的兩項最重要課題分別是能源與環境。目前全球百分之九十的能源來自石化燃料如石油、天然氣、煤等,不但會產生二氧化碳等污染,還會消耗人類寶貴的資源;非化學的能源中,水力的使用限制很大,至於太陽能、風能產生的能源則不敷工業大量用電的需求,世界頂尖的科學家們不分國界、不分意識形態的為了全人類的福祉而共同努力,以期能帶給全人類乾淨、價格低廉的永續能源。 國際熱核融合實驗反應爐計劃是目前人類最大的一項國際科學研究計劃,由俄羅斯、歐盟、印度、美國、中國、日本、韓國所共同參與,它將用來向全世界展示磁控核融合能源實用化的可行性,使世人們認識到磁控核融合能源不再遙不可及。 歐盟作為這項計劃的主持方,投入的人力、物力都是最多,此外,歐洲國家對於過去七十年的磁控核融合能源發展的重要性是不可取代的,尤其以英國、法國、德國最為重要,早期在歐洲原子能共同體的帶領下各個會員國也都有許多成就,而現在更是由歐盟來主導,本文將就歐洲對於磁控核融合能源發展、國際熱核融合實驗反應爐計劃,還有英、法、德進行研究,最後做出結論。


Humanity are facing two problems in the 21st century, energy and environment. At the moment the global energy is still highly depend on fossil fuels at 90% like oil, coal and gas, while they released large amount of greenhouse gas. Scientist already claims that renewable energy and green energy is not capable to taken over base load power plants. However scientists around the world work together and try to achieve the ultimate solution and solve both of problems once and for all. International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor is a large-scale scientific experiment that aims to demonstrate that it is possible to produce commercial energy from fusion. Russia, EU, China, USA, India, Japan and Korea altogether in this international collaboration program in order to demonstrate the world that controlled fusion are feasible. EU is not only a participant but also the host of this international project; no doubt it provides most of resources for this program. Besides, in the past 70 years Europe countries are fusion frontiers, this study will focus on the contribution of European at fusion development and ITER, including fusion energy leading countries: United Kingdom, Germany and France. Then make a conclusion.


Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, Fusion For Energy Annual Report 2009, ISBN 978-92-9214-008-3
Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, Fusion For Energy Annual Report 2010, ISBN 978-92-9214-012-0
Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, Fusion For Energy Annual Report 2011, ISBN 978-92-9214-013-7
Consolidated versions of the Treaty on the European Union and the Treaty of on the Functioning of the European Union, OJ C 115/43, 09.05.2008.
Consolidated version of the Treaty on Establishing of the European Atomic Energy Community, OJ C 84/1,30.03.2010
