  • 學位論文


The study on the relationship between Taiwan’s soft power and Viable Diplomacy(2008-2012): Analyse from the perspective of Psychological Strategy

指導教授 : 施正權


台灣國家戰略所面臨的局勢與挑戰可說日益嚴峻,政、軍、經、心四大層面都受到極大壓力與挑戰。政治上,可說受到「中」美聯手打壓。軍事上,除中共武力威脅外,美國亦採取拒絕或暫緩軍售案等手段抵制台灣,造成台灣軍事實力難以應對中共武力威脅;經濟上更是造成台灣至今深遠影響,在心理層面上亦使得雙方人民思想情緒上的對立,台灣局勢日益困頓的同時,反觀例如慈濟功德會等台灣公益性團體,卻與此同時在世界各地發揮作用,與在地政府組織合作進行慈善援助活動,進而取得好感與信任,這卻是台灣外交部門,在採取硬實力對抗主權國家的傳統外交行為中無法達成的目標。 台灣並非一個擁有強大軍事力量的國家,經濟實力亦有限,因此在國際關係中不可能純粹以硬實力的手段來達成自我期望之目標。而台灣與大陸相比,更是難以在軍事權力上超越大陸。甚至,在全球化與國際互賴加深的前提下,更侷限了軍事權力的運用。當然,這不是說軍事權力不重要。但是台灣投資在軟權力上,或許更具報酬效益。 本文研究目地如下:(一)界定軟實力的定義、來源。(二)分析馬英九政府前的軟實力。(三)分析活路外交中的軟實力及其效益。 概括而言,台灣受限於硬實力規模以及國際環境壓制,因此有必要另闢途徑。透過資料蒐集,首先釐清軟實力的定義,並且找出台灣過去軟實力建構的具體案例,再分析馬總統展開推動「活路外交」政策後,馬政府「活路外交」政策中軟實力的作用效果實例,以及推動「活路外交」的過程中產生的影響,哪些是屬於軟實力的部份。並且與前任扁政府時期作一比較檢正孰優孰劣。最後結論則從心理戰略來看「活路外交」達成哪些心理戰略的效益進行評估。 換言之,本文試圖先找出台灣歷史進程中的軟實力作為,再來探究「活路外交」政策的執行成果,與前任陳總統任內的「烽火外交」相比,孰優孰劣?是「活路外交」比較走的出去?國際活動空間較大?還是比陳總統任內的國際環境更差?以及馬總統提出「活路外交」後的軟實力成果,並且分析活路外交下的軟實力,達成心理戰略的哪些效益。


軟實力 馬英九 台灣 活路外交 心理戰略


Recently, there has been a growing pressure upon the Taiwanese National Strategy, and it challenges the state from four different levels: politically, militarily, economically, and psychologically. Politically, Taiwan confronts severe pressure from both Mainland China and the US. Militarily, Taiwan faces constant military threat from the Beijing government and the refusal and delay on military sale from the US government. Both of these external factors have deeply affected the Taiwanese economy. Furthermore, it has created a psychological confrontation between the people on both sides of the Taiwanese straits. It is therefore fair to say that the country deals with an undesired isolation. Nevertheless, Taiwanese NGOs like Tzu Chi has been participating in various international humanitarian aid programmes. Moreover, these NGOs may also work with foreign governmental organisations that execute local charity works. However, these are the type of activities that cannot be conducted by the Taiwanese foreign affairs officials or the government. The Taiwanese government has been restricted in international participation due to the lack of global recognition. Consequently, NGOs that are able to perform on the country’s behalf in regard to Soft Power Diplomacy becomes a new option. Taiwan is neither a country with forcible military power nor a state with strong economic strength. Therefore, the country cannot achieve any diplomatic breakthrough solely based on the traditional hard power. In comparison with Mainland China, it is difficult for Taiwan to overtake its neighbour’s fast growing military power. Moreover, with the development of globalisation that overlaps with the growing trend of international dependency, it has limited the usage of military power in the current international field. Consequently, small countries like Taiwan may want to invest more on the Soft Power whilst engaging in international affairs. Nevertheless, the importance of military power should not be overlooked. Accordingly, the purpose of the research are as follows: First, define the meaning and origin of “soft power”. Second, analyse the “soft power” of the Ma government. Third, analyse the “soft power” that has been conducted with the Viable Diplomacy and its result. Overall, the diplomatic space of Taiwan has been constrained by lack of hard power and the severe international environment. Therefore, it is crucial for Taiwan to seek for an alternative path in expanding (and retaining) its diplomatic space. Under the current Ma government a series of alternative diplomatic policies (also known as the Viable Diplomacy) has been practiced. Through data collecting, the paper will try to define the meaning of Soft Power and examine case studies that are related to the category. The paper will also analyse the correlation between Ma’s Viable Diplomacy and soft power. Moreover, the paper will compare the Viable Diplomacy with the Scorched Earth Diplomacy that was practiced under the previous Chen government. The paper will end by analysing the Viable Diplomacy from the Psychological Strategy. In other words, the paper will start by observing the soft power related actions taken though out the Taiwanese diplomatic history. Followed by analysing the result of the current Viable Diplomacy. Furthermore, the paper will also compare the Viable Diplomacy with the Scorched Earth Diplomacy that was undertaken by the previous Chen government. The paper is determined to clarify which one of two diplomatic strategies is more practical therefore earns more diplomatic space for Taiwan. The paper will also analyse the diplomatic breakthroughs that has been achieved by practicing Flexible Diplomacy and soft power. And how these breakthroughs can be related to the Psychological Strategy.


Soft Power Taiwan


蔡政修,〈一個中國原則與台灣的國際空間 以民進黨政府參與聯合國的策略為例(2000~2008)〉,《全球政治評論》,第41期,2013年。
Lasswell, Harold, Abraham Kaplan , Power and Society:A Framework political Inquiry, New Haven : Yale University Press, 1950.


