  • 學位論文


The Marketing Strategies of Hundred-year-old Companies in Japan : Discovery the Kyoto-brand Charms from Uji Tea

指導教授 : 蔡錫勲


根據調查顯示日本為全世界老舖數量最多的國家,特別是擁有千年歷史的京都,提到京都便讓人不禁聯想到當地名產─抹茶。因此本搞分為兩部分,前半部為日本老舖的相關文獻探討,後半部針對京都抹茶老舖作案例分析,藉此傳達京都品牌的魅力所在。 先行研究部分,首先透過了解老舖的歷史、地域性、以及業種,對日本老舖有初步的認識。接著藉由分析日本的帝國數據庫於2008年針對百年日本老舖所做的調查,其中包含了家訓・社訓、理念、優缺點…等等。整理出老舖的的經營特徵,以便了解它們成功的秘訣。 再來為分析京都品牌及其魅力,從京都印象的變遷了解如何由昔日的首都演變為今日充滿復古懷舊氣氛的古都。另外根據京都市產業觀光局於2012年所作的京都觀光綜合調查,研究目前的觀光現狀、以及遊客們喜愛京都的原因。其次,針對宇治茶的發展作深入探討,分析宇治茶今後所面臨的課題。 最後選擇兩家京都製茶老舖─丸久小山園、中村藤吉做為研究案例。兩家老舖分別擁有300年以及150年以上的歷史,是許多抹茶愛好者造訪京都必定拜訪的名店。從它們不同的行銷策略,了解其歷久彌新的經營模式。 日本百年老舖如何度過種種的經營危機,這些經營上的秘訣值得提供給年輕企業做參考。另一方面,隨著時代的變遷老舖也有必須面對的課題。例如全球化趨勢、以及日本近年來的少子化等等,要如何在競爭激烈的市場中還能永續經營、傳承家業,考驗著老舖的經營智慧。 本稿希望藉由研究日本老舖的經營方式以及行銷戰略,分析其成功的原因,如果個人之淺見能帶給年輕企業經營上的幫助,將感到十分榮幸。


According to the survey, Japan has the largest old companies in the world, especially in Kyoto. When it comes to Kyoto, we will think of the famous Uji tea. Therefore, this thesis might be deconstructed into two part. The first part is research about Japan old companies, the other apart is case studies of Uji tea old companies in Kyoto. In the prior study, we can have preliminary concept about old companies from studying the history and type. Then, base on the questionnaire for the one-hundred-year old companies research made by Teikoku Databank in 2008 which is including mottos, ideas, advantages and disadvantages to arrange old companies management features. Next, we can understand the process of Kyoto images by analyzing Kyoto-band charms.I also focus on studying the history of Uji tea and to find the problem that the tea industry have to face. Finally, this thesis includes two case studies. One is Marukyu Koyamaen, which has been doing business over 300 years. The other one is Nakamura Hujiyoshi, also has 150 years history. Both of them are the famous Uji tea store that appeal many traveler to visit. Their unique marketing strategies are points to be success. Japan old companies overcome business crises experience can help young companies to continue their businesses. On the other hand, old companies have to face some problem such as globalization and koureishoushika phenomena. Sustainable development is an important issue for old companies. I will be honored if this thesis can offer some successful management and marketing points to young companies.


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