  • 學位論文


An Empirical Study of Designers' Preference for Door Handles Using the Fishbein Model Approach

指導教授 : 洪英正
共同指導教授 : 李芸蕙


隨著台灣經濟成長和人們消費能力的提升,消費者對於生活品質和居住品質的要求也跟著改變。民眾對於房屋的要求,除了符合基本的生活機能之外,也漸漸開始力求空間的設計感,希望藉由整體空間的風格表現自己獨一無二的個性。 而「水平把手」這種五金商品雖然看似單純,卻是室內設計業不可或缺的零件;可想而知,室內設計的案子只要有門就必須要配有把手。近年來國內室內設計業的興起以及國人整體品味的提升,造成設計師對於把手的需求以及對設計感的講求也跟著提升,挑選把手時也往往會考慮整體設計,希望可以選購到配合設計主題的把手讓整體風格一致。 本研究的研究目的為利用Fishbein模型為基礎探討設計師對於水平把手各屬性(包括價格、顏色、造型、材質、運作順暢度、安裝便利性、耐用度、品牌)的偏好及其使用意願。本研究透過德菲法和Dematel-ANP法針對從業五年以上或是單一經手個案金額超過新台幣壹仟萬元以上的8位資深設計師進行分析,發現設計師在選擇水平把手時,對於使用意願最有影響的屬性為價格,其次為材質,第三為造型,且「安裝便利性」及「品牌」兩屬性對於設計師水平把手使用意願的影響相對較低。此研究對於水平把手各屬性的分析,希望可以做為未來設計水平把手的參考標準,讓設計師進行產品設計時,較容易了解哪些產品屬性的重要性較會影響整體購買意願,也可以藉此將有限的資源做最佳的分配。


In recent years, with the rise of purchasing power, consumers are seeking higher standards of living, and nowhere is the more apparent than in the housing market. It is no longer enough for a house to fulfill basic functions of accommodation, as consumers are now looking to make their living quarters a reflection of their personal tastes and a badge of uniqueness. Door handles may seem trivial compared to other elements of interior design, but in fact they are essential in that any house with a door requires the use of a door handle, and this tiny detail can be the one that makes or breaks the overall design of a space. The goal of this study is to use the Fishbein model as a basis for determining what attributes (including price, color, design, material, ease of use, ease of installation, durability, and brand) of door handles influence the preference of interior designers. Eight designers who had either worked in interior design for more than five years or who had handled a design case with budgets of more than ten million were invited to share their opinions on door handle attributes. The Delphi and Dematel-ANP methods were used to analyze the data and discuss the finding. Results showed that the most influential attribute was price, followed by material, and then followed by design. The least influential attributes were easier of installation and brand. It is hoped that the results of this study can help future designers to make the most efficient use of resources with a deeper understanding of what attributes of door handles are important to potential buyers.


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