  • 學位論文

行動下單對券商之影響研究 : 以F證券公司為例

Mobile Stock Trading's Impact on Security Firms : A Case of F Security.

指導教授 : 張勝雄


隨著電子科技發達,各種電子網路交易媒介發展多元,以及智慧型行動裝置的普及,都已深深植入並改變現代人們的生活習慣。本研究目的在於提升證券公司對行動下單的發展現況,以及外來加值應用之了解,並且透過質性研究方式,取得投資人對於行動下單最真實的使用反應回饋。工作因素研究將從證券商、投資人視角進行探討,首先釐清行動下單的興起對於證券商業績的影響程度,其次並對證券公司在行動看盤系統的發展歷程及因應方式做進一步瞭解。接著以質性研究有行動下單經驗的投資人,藉此分析投資人對於行動裝置、看盤系統的使用方式及交易習慣。 本研究結果將可提供給證券公司未來發展行動下單裝置時的參考依據,進一步使證券公司更瞭解客戶在行動下單服務的實際需求,最終達致企業滿意度之提升。


With the advancement of electronic technology, a variety of electronic tools for online transaction have been developing in many respects. In the modern era, the prevalence of smartphones has been ingrained in people’s lives and changed the way people live. The present study aims at investigating the current development of online investing service provided by brokerage firms. The study also hopes to gain a deeper insight into the external value adding. The most authentic feedbacks from investors in online investing were expected through questionnaires. The present study first discusses about brokerage firms and investor perspectives: understanding the emergence of online investing and its impact on the performance of brokerage firms. Then the progress of online broker system and the investor’s approach to using the system is further examined. Questionnaires used among investors having experience in online trading offered data for the study to analyze the usage and trading habits of investors when it comes to electronic devices and broker system. The results of this study can contribute to future improvement of online investing devices for brokerage firms. Moreover, these firms will be able to better understand the actual needs of clients in terms of online investing service. All this will eventually enhance customer satisfaction towards corporations.


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