  • 學位論文


The Design of Intelligent Simulated Hippotherapy Machine

指導教授 : 楊智旭


馬術復健治療受限於合法馬場較少,且收費較高等不便利性因素影響而不易普及,因此本研究是以馬術復健治療的動作為基礎,設計及製作一部可以同時復健上肢、下肢、腰部肌力及訓練身體平衡之智慧型馬術模擬復健機,使肢體障礙的朋友們可以用更平價、更便利的方式達到馬術治療的成效,以造福患者,減少醫療人力並節省醫療資源。 研究項目包括智慧型馬術模擬復健機之機構設計,使患者乘坐於類似馬鞍的座椅上,雙腳置放於安全踏板中進行踩踏,踩踏的動能會經由齒輪與皮帶的傳導,使座椅能夠如同馬匹行走一般的起伏律動,另外座椅下的搖擺系統將配合患者踩踏頻率產生左右傾斜的往復運動,來模擬馬術治療的動作,使患者上肢、下肢及腹部核心肌肉群能適當運動,並能訓練自身自主平衡。 智慧型馬術模擬復健機設計,首先從手繪零件藍圖著手,再透過電腦輔助繪圖軟體(Pro/Engineer)來建立模型,並將零件尺寸詳細設計、計算及完成設計圖,以利機構設計及製作,再透過模擬軌跡分析,驗證研究結果與設計目標符合,最後再進行實際測試,觀察使用者在智慧型馬術模擬復健機上的復健情形。


Hippotherapy is limited to less legal racecourse and higher charge. These inconvenient factors disturb hippotherapy to popularize. Therefore, base on the basic movements of hippotherapy, this research is intended to design and product an intelligent simulated hippotherapy (equine-assisted) machine which is useful to enhance the hands, legs, waist body strength and balance training during the rehabilitation treatment in a single machine simultaneously. In order to bring benefits to patients and to reduce the cost of medical and health care, this machine makes physical disabled friends have more affordable and more convenient way to achieve the effects of hippotherapy. The research works include mechanical design. Patients are able to sit on the seat which is similar to a saddle, and put foot on toe clips to tread. The kinetic energy of tread will be transmitted by gearwheel and belt. This machine is designed to make the saddle move up and down, and resemble a walking-horse. In order to simulate the movement of hippotherapy to do balance training and to strength the muscular movement of patients’ arms, legs and waist, the swing system which is under the saddle will coordinate the frequency of patients to produce movements from side to side. The research word starts from hand-painted machine parts. The second step is to build models by using ProEngineer, and then designs, calculates and draws the size of machine parts particularly, so as to facilitate the processing and the mechanical design. The third step is analyzing and checking the results of the simulation are consistent with the goal or not through the simulated track. The final step is testing in a particularly way to observe the rehabilitation situation of users on the Intelligent Simulated Hippotherapy Machine.


Hippotherapy Indoor cycles Mechanical design


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