  • 學位論文


The Study on the Influence of Language Learning of European Union to France

指導教授 : 卓忠宏


歐盟日益擴大,數目增加到28國,使用的官方語言亦陸續增加。隨著四大流通後所衍生的問題,不僅僅只是單一國家的問題,歐盟順勢整合語言教育政策,為之後不只在經濟上並且在文化領域方面更加結合,更希望各民族間能夠認同彼此且團結以利未來歐洲統合可以向前邁進。所以歐盟的語言教育領域也越來越重要,然而語言教育屬於文化領域,並非是歐盟的專屬權限,須以輔助原則作為依據。因各會員國的經濟政治等各方面程度不一,歐盟如何依據此原則制定政策,而對於百年來一直獨尊法語的法國會如何因應對其語言教育政策的影響。 本論文以輔助原則為主,共分為五章。第一章為緒論;第二章為從有關歐盟語言教育政策之條約進一步了解教育政策之發展與內容,並藉由歐盟語言教育主要計畫蘇格拉底計畫及其中的兩個子計畫—共同體外語教學推廣計畫及歐盟的學校教育計畫,進而了解歐盟語言教育計畫;第三章針對法國,瞭解其法語政策的歷史進程及發展、對法語之保護;第四章為主要探討法國中等教育下的法語及外語政策,以及歐盟語言教育政策對法國之影響;第五章為結論。 本研究中主要可歸納以下結論: 1. 法國的語言政策從只獨尊法語至目前轉變成法語政策、地區與少數語言政策及外語政策。 2. 法國學生還是以英語、西語及德語學習為主,其中英語佔最多數。 3. 在法國義務教育下的外語學習時數也持續增加,法國政府亦鼓勵地區與少數語言之學習,只是法國人還是不太講英語。 4. 法國政府不論在國際上或是國內皆努力地推廣法語。


Since the process of expanding the European Union (EU) is speeding up these recent years, the integration of the EU members has become a tough problem. Thus, the EU has realized the language policy should be the first issue to get solved. It is not only to solve the integration issue, but also to lead to greater understanding and solidarity between the peoples of the European Union and to help remove the obstacles in this regard by promoting and learning different languages in accordance with the principles of subsidiarity. France, one member of the EU, is trying to adopt the language policy. However, French has been the only language policy in France for ages. The mono language policy caused of losing the regional languages and cultures in France. In addition, how France balance between international and internal main language, the function of French is taking into account. The purpose of this study is to discuss how the EU establishes, promotes and cooperates the language policy with its Member States based on the principles of subsidiarity and to discuss the process, the present situation, the result and the conclusion of adopting the language policy of the EU to France. This study is based on the principles of subsidiarity, consisting of 5 chapters. Chapter 1 is on the purpose, motives, scope, method, structure, limitation of this study. Chapter 2 is to analyze the background of the development on the treaty, language policy and programs of the EU. Chapter 3 is to discuss the development of the language policy history in France. Chapter 4 is to elucidate the content and the development of the language policy in compulsory education in France nowadays. Chapter 5 is to conclude and evaluate the influence of the EU language policy to France. The following conclusions have been drawn from this Study: 1.The mono language policy of France has changed into muli-lingual policy: French policy, regional languages policy and foreign languages policy. 2.The foreign languages learning of the students in France are still on English, Germany and Spanish and English learning is still the majority. 3.The hours of the foreign language learning in compulsory education in France have been increased. The French government begun encouraging students to learn foreign langages and also regional languages in accordance with the language policy of the EU. 4.France has been contributing to the promotion of French in the world and in France.


4. 駐法國台北代表處文化組
陳建宏 (2010),語言與國族的文化辯證:法語的案例,台北:Airiti Press。
Marcle Machill (1997) , “Background to French Language Policy and its Impact
COUNCIL DECISION of 28 July 1989 establishing an action programme to promote foreign language competence in the European Community (Lingua), OJ L 239, 16.8.1989.
