  • 學位論文


A Study of Taiwan’s Film Music Industry and Business Model-The Case of Cincin Lee Production Ltd.

指導教授 : 曾義明


電影配樂是輔助電影的一大功臣,在電影中扮演重要的角色。隨著2008年電影《海角七號》在臺灣創下5.3億的刷新票房紀錄、2010年政府制定並頒佈《文化創意產業發展法》將電影產業納入文化創意產業之一,臺灣電影產業又再度受到各界高度的重視,電影配樂也漸漸開始受到注意。   本研究以臺灣電影配樂為主軸,從文獻資料與實務觀點瞭解電影配樂的發展與臺灣電影配樂產業的發展現況,透過本研究對象-李欣芸音樂公司進行深入訪談,以瞭解電影配樂的製作流程與該公司的營業概況等,進一步瞭解當今電影作曲家所面臨的市場現況。   臺灣大部分的電影配樂作曲家都是從流行音樂跨足來製作電影配樂,非音樂本科系出身,因電影配樂預算不多,故以個人工作室居多。許多作曲家與導演合作時,因礙於有限預算便接受低廉的酬勞,然而長期而言,仍需要有合理的制度與預算來激勵與輔助作曲家。   李欣芸音樂公司以電影配樂聞名,另從事跨界音樂演奏、流行音樂製作、廣告、偶像劇配樂與藝人經紀等營業項目。拓展業務的方式,則多以音樂界的既有人脈,及已經建立的知名度,以鞏固常態性的業務來源。在電影配樂的價值鏈中最重要的關鍵在於作曲、編曲者與音樂錄製部分。由於作曲家對作品品質的要求與堅持,製作時多採用成本較高的樂手真實聲音,故形成產品差異化的策略,並具備邁向國際化、拓展全球市場之條件。   最後根據結論,本研究提出對於電影配樂業者與李欣芸音樂公司之建議,及作為未來對臺灣電影配樂相關研究參考之用。


Film music, the essential element of the films, plays a very important role in the movies. Along with the success of the movie, Cape No. 7, breaking a historic box-office record of five hundred and thirty million NT in Taiwan in 2008, and in 2010, Taiwanese government enacting Law for the Development of the Cultural and Creative Industries and officially bringing film-making into the industry, motion picture industry in Taiwan again is highly valued in this society, bringing more attention to the importance of film music. This study mainly focuses on the film music in Taiwan to understand history of movie soundtracks and the current development of this industry based on the documentary data and business points of view. Through the object of the research, Cincin Lee Production Ltd., this study, with in-depth interviews, process of making film music, and the operation of company, provides current market situation that a contemporary film music composer faces. Most of film music composers in Taiwan started with making pop music then crossed over to produce movie soundtracks. With no official background of music and low budge on film music, most composers could only afford to establish personal studios instead of building film music companies. When working with movie directors, most composers have no choice but accept low payment because of the budget issue. However, from a long-term point of view, it is necessary to create a system and reasonable budget to motivate film music composers. Cincin Lee Production Ltd. is famous for movie soundtracks. She also provides the services of crossover music performing, pop-music producing, TV advertisements, TV drama music and talents management. She expands her business with current connections in the music industry and strengthens regular business income with long-built brand awareness. In the process of making movie soundtracks, the most essential parts are melody composer, arrangement and music recording. For the quality of their works, she insists on recording with real voice of musician. This results in higher cost yet a strategy of product differentiation for expanding the market overseas. In the end based on conclusion, this study offers suggestions for business sectors related to film music and Cincin Lee Production Ltd. for further research.


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