  • 學位論文


A Study on the Attachment-Separation Relationship Between the United Kingdom and European Union

指導教授 : 郭秋慶


英國是否應繼續留在歐洲聯盟,是英國一直以來的熱門議題。英國與歐盟雙方存在高度的經濟依存性,但同時英國又要求保持相對獨立的決策性和自主權。這若及若離的態度造就了英國與歐盟什麼樣的離合關係呢? 通過本研究結果可以得知,考慮到文化、經濟、政治等因素,英國經過三次申請後終於在1973年正式加入了當時的歐體。然而,英國的基本原則便是以「經濟整合」為主,只參與對英國本身有國家利益之政策,對於會讓國家主權或是喪失權利的「政治整合」政策,幾乎不予配合,如「拒絕參與社會憲章」、「拒絕參加申根協議」等,大力阻礙歐洲整合之路。自歐盟開始出現經濟危機和諸多不確定性起,英國逐漸對歐盟變得越來越不信任,但由於英國加入後使得歐體經濟快速增長,同時歐盟也佔據英國進出口一半的經濟量,英國也對歐盟難分難捨。尤其,英國各政黨對於歐盟問題持各種不同態度和看法,使得當前英歐關係依然處於僵持狀態。因此,本研究以文獻分析法與歷史研究法,探討英國與歐盟的離合關係,將英國與歐盟雙邊關係分為「合」與「離」之兩部分,分別探究英國加入當時歐體之原因、目的與歷程;英國加入當時歐體後的反彈;英國與歐盟之間的實質效益,以及英國與歐盟未來的關係展望。


英國 歐洲聯盟 離合關係


Whether Britain should remain in the European Union(EU), is a continuously hot topic in the United Kingdom(UK). The UK and EU are highly economically interdependent, while in the same time the UK requires to remain its relative independence in decision making. This study is focus on the role played by this uncertainty in the Attachment- Separation relationship between the UK and EU. The study shows, considering the cultural, economic, political and other factors, The UK finally joined EC in 1973 after three times of applications. However, the UK holds the principle of economic integration, only participates in the policies in its national interest, and not cooperates with most of the political integration policies, which threaten its national sovereignty. With Social Charter and Schengen Agreement as examples, obstruct the progress of European integration. Since the economic crisis and uncertainties of EU, the UK started growing mistrust towards EU, while attached to it at the same time, considering the economic of EU grows rapidly after the UK's participation, and EU accounted for half of the UK's imports and exports economic capacity. The British political parties hold a variety of attitudes and opinions towards EU, cause the stalemate between the UK and EU. Therefore, this study used literature analysis and historical research method to explore the Attachment- Separation relationship between the UK and EU, separated the bilateral relationship into Attachment and Separation two parts, explored the reasons, goals and process of the UK joined EU, found out the resistance after the participation of UK and the real benefits between the UK and EU, and the prospects of the future relationship between the UK and EU.


Ben Pimlott, Harold Wilson, (Harper and Collins, 1992).
Bernett Correll. The Audit of War: Illusion and Dream of Britain as a Great Nation, (London: Macmillan, 1986).
David Gowland, Britain and European Integration since 1945: On the Sidelines, (Taylor & Francis, 2009).
