  • 學位論文


A Study on Separatism of Catalonia in Spain

指導教授 : ¨ô©¾§»


二零一四年十一月九日,加泰隆尼亞地方政府舉行獨立公投,雖然此次投票僅為公民諮詢,無實質法律效力,但當地人民對於支持獨立的比率卻高達八成。事實上,受到同年九月十八日蘇格蘭舉行獨立公投之影響,不僅加泰隆尼亞,在歐洲諸多擁有分離主義意識的地區,也掀起了一股仿效的風潮。   基於上述,本篇論文研究目的旨在了解加泰隆尼亞分離主義之生成因素,並且就其內部及外部因素逐一探討。在本文中共分為四大層面,在歷史、文化的部分,可追溯於加泰隆尼亞早年發展至西班牙政治民主化時期,其地位的消長與變化。在政治層面則著重探討西班牙憲法,如何保障加泰隆尼亞的自治權限。此外,於經濟層面中將比較分析西班牙與加泰隆尼亞兩者之間經濟發展程度的差異,並佐以二零零八年歐洲債務危機發生後,是如何波及至加泰隆尼亞,進而導致其訴諸獨立公投。而在國際層面中,二零一四年蘇格蘭舉辦獨立公投後,也造成歐洲一連串分離主義之骨牌效應,加泰隆尼亞也宣布跟進,又將帶來何種結果?   最後,於結論的部分,則總結上述四大層面,對於加泰隆尼亞分離主義之深刻影響,做出心得及未來評估。此外,筆者也期望透過此議題,提供讀者對於少數民族議題之認識,能以更宏觀的視野,來看待並了解分離主義、民族認同等整體思維。 關鍵字:加泰隆尼亞、分離主義、民族自決、獨立公投


November 9, 2014, the Government of Catalonia held a referendum on independence, although the vote was only Citizens Consultation, no real legal effect, local people to support the independence of the ratio was as high as eighty percent unexpectedly. In fact, by September 18 of the same year after the Scottish independence referendum held on, not only in Catalonia,but also many other regions with separatism in Europe, aroused a tempestuous emulation.      As mentioned above, the purpose of this thesis is to understand the generated factors of the separatism of Catalonia, and go into its internal and external factors. The chapter is divided into four sections: at the history and culture part, it can be traced back to the early years of the development in Catalonia until Spain democratic transformation, and the rise and fall with changes in its status. At the politics part, it is focused on the Spain Constitution, how to protect Catalonia's autonomous powers. At the economy part, it is compared the two different level of economic development between Spain and Catalonia, on the other hand, European debt crisis spread to Catalonia in 2008, which led to its resort to a referendum on independence. At the international part, after the 2014 Scottish independence referendum held, in Europe causing a domino effect of a series of separatism, Catalonia also announced follow-up immediately, and what consequence was in the end?      Finally, in the conclusion, it is summed up the above four sections, making experiences and future assessments. In addition, through this thesis , I also hope to provide readers to understand the issue of minority, with a more macro perspective, to look upon and comprehend the separatism, ethnic identity and other holistic thinking.


¡@¡@2004¦~¡A­¶ 81-82¡C
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