  • 學位論文

現代文學與影音傳播: 以現代詩與舞台劇的文學文本為範圍

Modern Literature and Audio-visual Communication︰ Modern Poetry and Literary Texts

指導教授 : 崔成宗


一、研究目的:文學文本與閱聽大眾之間,我們要探討如何產生共鳴,如何建構一座橋,從文學語言轉換到影音語言,探討從文字符號到鏡頭符號的轉變,如何推動將文學文本傳播更普及,傳送更具體更有效果,這中間應該是需要一個轉換的媒介,一個觸媒,使得閱聽大眾,很輕易的就能踏上那座橋,走過橋,就能近距離的欣賞、接觸到文學文本。 二、文獻:關於現代文學與影音傳播的現有研究成果有專書兩部,頗多創新之見,深具啟發意義,書名如下: ﹙一﹚、黃儀冠著作《從文字書寫到影像傳播》 ﹙二﹚、《新媒體與社會學術暨實務研討會論文集》 三、研究方法:本論文的研究在理論上著重三點論述: (一)論述對象以人、閱聽大眾及其間的關係為主。 (二)在觀點上,以文學和影音傳播之間的關聯為本位。 (三)在方法上重視經驗歷程和結論的論證,而非作方法的客觀性研究。 四、研究內容:從文字書寫文本→影像聲音傳播→閱聽大眾的眼耳,讀者產生共鳴→讀者回饋→媒介、觸媒工作者呼應、思考、改進、再創造,產生一個循環的鎖鏈,緊緊的牽繫住文學文本和閱聽大眾以及中間的媒介創造者。這是我的論文的研究內容,彰顯這個循環的鎖鏈。 五、研究結果: 現代文學透過不同的影音傳播媒介,呈現各種新的風貌,閱聽人縱使不識字,縱使沒讀過文本版本,也可輕易接收影音傳播出來的訊息,且不分男女老少,不用擔心年齡層或性別的影響,只要閱聽人接觸了,就是傳播出去了,喜歡的人,看得懂的人就接收,不喜歡看不懂的人就拒絕,自由自在。


1.Purpose for the research: This paper tries to discuss how to produce resonate between literary texts and the mass audience, and how to build a bridge converting literary language to audio-visual language. This paper also tries to discuss the transformation from text symbols to lens symbols, and the means to promote literary texts, making them more popular, more practically and effectively communicated. For these purposes, there require a transformation media, a catalyst, which puts the mass audience on the bridge painlessly. Once over the bridge, they will be able to contact and appreciate literary texts in a closer distance. 2.Literature: As of present, there are two books dedicated to the research of modern literature and audio-visual communication, which are innovative and inspiring. Names of the books are: (1)Huang, Yi-Guan (黃儀冠) “From Written Text to Audio-visual Communications” (Chinese) 《從文字書寫到影像傳播》 (2)“Essays of Seminar on Academic Research and Practice on New Media and Society” (Chinese)《新媒體與社會學術暨實務研討會論文集》 3.Method of research: Theoretically, the research of this thesis focuses on three expositions: (1)The objects of discussion focus on people and the mass audience and the relations between them. (2)In terms of view point, this paper takes the relations between literature and audio-visual communication as the basic standing point. (3)In terms of method, this paper emphasizes on reasoning between experience and conclusion, rather than theoretically objective research. 4.Contents of the research: from written text → image and voice communication →the eyes and ears of the audience, readers produce resonate → audience’s feedback → media, catalyst workers response, consider, improve, and re-create, producing a chain of circulation, which tightly holds literary texts, the mass audience and the media creators between them. The contents of this thesis bring the chain of circulation to attention. 5.Result of the research: Through different audio-visual media, modern literature takes on a variety of new looks. Even if they are illiterate, or have never read the text, the audience can receive the message with ease through audio-visual communications. Unaffected by gender or age, once they are exposed to the media, the message is communicated. Those who like or understand the message will accept it and those who don’t will refuse it. The choice is totally free for them.


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