  • 學位論文


A Study of Multinational Corporation Digital Marketing - A Case of Starbucks

指導教授 : 林江峰
共同指導教授 : 張勝雄(Sheng-Hsiung Chang)


英特爾創辦人葛洛夫曾說過:「未來每一家公司,都是網路公司。」數位化已滲透生活各個層面,未來每個產業都需要靠數位化來轉型。網路與社群已徹底顛覆了消費者的購買決策與順序,消費者已從被動的接收訊息,轉變為主動搜尋有興趣的產品,或是主動分享心得與體驗。 網路快速發展,星巴克是數位化轉型成功的極佳案例。數位行銷完善了星巴克體驗,讓顧客感受到星巴克就在身邊,成功地打造互聯網的「第四空間」,與顧客建立聯繫,業績逆勢成長,維持市場領導地位。 互動的多螢幕時代已來臨,數位行銷的重要性也與日劇增。傳統跨國企業該如何面對數位化浪潮,佈局數位行銷策略,本論文藉由星巴克的個案探討數位行銷策略、跨國企業數位經營、星巴克數位行銷策略對於跨國企業的啟示。


數位行銷 網路行銷 星巴克


Intel Founder Grove once said, “In the future every company will be an Internet company”. Digitalization has infiltrated all aspects of life such that in the future, every industry will need to pursue digitalization to seek transformation. Networking and Internet communities have revolutionized consumer purchase decisions and order, turning consumers from passively receiving information to actively searching for products they are interested in or taking the initiative to share ideas and experiences. Starbucks, indebted to the rapid development of the Internet, is an excellent example of successful digital transformation. Digital marketing has perfected the Starbucks experience, giving customers the feeling that Starbucks is by their side, enabling Starbucks to establish the internetwork “4th space” to establish contacts with customers, achieve thriving business against the odds, and maintain market leadership. With the advent of the interactive multi-screen era, there has also been a surge of digital marketing and its importance is growing. How do traditional multinational companies deploy a digital marketing strategy layout against the wave of digitalization? In this paper, Starbucks was adopted as the case study to explore marketing strategy, the digital operations of multinational companies, and the revelation Starbucks’s digital marketing strategy sends to multinational companies.


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2.Dan Zarrella (2010),The Facebook Marketing Book,Oreilly & Associates Inc。
5.Kristopher B. Jones (2013),Search Engine Optimization: Your Visual Blueprint for Effective Internet Marketing,John Wiley & Sons Inc。
6.Molly Garris (2014),A Beginner’s Guide to Mobile Marketing,Business Expert Pr。
1.Google Analytics說明中心,ttps://support.google.com/analytic,
