  • 學位論文

國際共保在團體保險市場上應用之研究 -以L公司為例

An Applicable Study for Multinational Pooling on Group Insurance Market—Taking Company L as An Example

指導教授 : 賴曜賢


本論文研究目的在於針對國際共保在團體保險市場上應用之研究,並以實際L公司為案例,用以具體呈現國際共保應用方式。由於L公司的團體保險目前已納入國際共保公司多年,故本研究希望站在此企業體的觀點,深入探討各種國際共保公司特性並做比較,進而分析L公司是否繼續沿用此國際共保合約或轉換至其他國際共保合約。 本論文針對分析結果提出幾點結論: 一、站在客戶立場,由於加入國際共保公司無需支付額外的費用,反而是理賠率好時,可以得到經驗退費,故值得企業了解各個共保組織的架構後加入國際共保合約。 二、由於保險公司大多在競標的環境下承保團體保險業務,故而企業在投保團體保險時根本不用擔心保費太高問題,以致於決定投保哪間保險公司時,大多是以保險公司行政作業是否能與該企業配合為首要考量。 三、在比較各個國際共保公司的加入門檻、保險公司的核保規則及保險公司的信用評等後,本研究認為國際共保公司INSUROPE仍較適合L公司的要求。


This study aims to the research of application of multinational pooling in the insurance market with a case study of Company L.Since the Company has joined multinational pooling system for many years, after comparison between various multinational pooling organizations, and analyzing the proceeds of the multinational pooling contract , we are trying to decide for the Company L which Pooling organization suitable for it. Our conclusions are as follows: 1.From the view point of client, one need not burden extra expenses for participating into the multinational insurance pooling organization, meanwhile, when loss ratio comes better, the client can get refund relatively. Therefore, a business organization is worthy of participating multinational pooling contract after reviewing the structure of the said organization. 2.Since the most part of insurance companies accept group insurance business under price competition environment, thus the clients almost can afford the premium. Therefore, the business organization choice the insurance company all depending on if the said insurance company can meet the inner process of the client. 3.After consideration of the participating threshold of each multinational pooling style, underwriting rules and the credit rating of the insurance companies, we think that INSUROPE are still suitable for Company L.


